Chapter 3

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"Okay, I take back what I said last night." John Ross declared, rubbing at his bare chest that was covered in scratches, hay chaff and pollen. Yes, I finally got to see where that tattoo ends. It wasn't what I was expecting at all. It turns out that it runs over his shoulder, a little onto his back, and over across the right side of his chest. The amazing part is the tribal, once it hits his chest, shapes into a stalking wolf. Luckily he didn't see how surprised I was but every chance I get, I do oggle it. "Not even learning to ride a horse can make my stay enjoyable if this is what I have to do for a majority of the time."

"Oh, shut up you wuss." I teased, throwing the next fifty pound bale onto our growing stack. "I've baled hay my whole life and haven't died yet. After a while your skin will toughen and you won't even need the gloves." I took the bale he had been hanging onto the last ten minutes and stacked it with the rest. "Here, this next one is yours. I want you to catch it Mr. Football Player." I told him, backing off. Yeah, it turns out he played football in high school and now in college. Go figure.

He scowled at me but stood in line with the kicker and farther back so it wouldn't knock him off balance as bad. I leaned against the side of the wagon, waiting to see him get a face full of hay. John Ross braced himself as the bale flew out of the kicker. The bale hit him square in the chest but he bear hugged it to keep himself balanced. "Good. Now stack it way up and all the way to the right. One more row and we'll call it quits."

"Oh thank god." He sighed, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Don't be thanking him yet. We're still gonna start back up around four when it cools down. We never do hay between one and three, that's when it's hottest. Nobody wants to get heat stroke in a hundred degree weather." I told him, then yelled to Justin, "One more row and we're done." Justin gave me a thumbs up.


"Hallelujah!" John Ross yelled as he jumped of the wagon. "I thought it would never end."

I smirked at him. "Come on City Boy, lets get you a shower before your friends back home can't recognize you." I head toward the house, him a little ways behind me. I could feel eyes on me, so I turned my head, my ponytail whipping me in the face. He was staring at my ass but jerked his head up when he caught me looking. He gave me an innocent smile that I would never in a million years fall for. I just shook my head and took the steps into Jerald's house two at a time. I went straight to the kitchen to get both of us a glass of water. After filling the second glass, I turned to bring it to him but ended up bumping into his bare chest and dumping the glasses all over the both of us. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I apologized profusely, setting the cups down on the counter and grabbing a cloth to wipe up the water off the floor.

His hand on my arm scared me half to death causing me to freeze in my spot. "Anastasia, leave it. I'll get it, you go get in the shower." I tried to argue but he cut me off. "Don't fight me on this. You did most, if not all the work and you need to relax, so go." He helped me up and took the towel from me, giving me a little push out of the kitchen.

I entered the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I wanted to just go hide in hole. My thin tank top I was wearing was now see through due to the water and you could see my pink bra perfectly. "Just great." I don't know why I was so embarrassed, but something about John Ross just put me on edge. I mean, I'm normally cool and collected but around him I'm just completely off my game. But I'm not used to attractive city boys, I can handle a cowboy but them city boys are a whole other ball game.

But he's right I do need to relax, gather my thoughts. I refuse to let him get to me. I need to focus on what's important, which is winning that $100,000. After four more races, I'll officially be considered for the big race but it wasn't going to be easy. I was gonna be competing against professionals.

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