Chapter 4

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"Is he cute?" Cindy Lou asked, a giggle escaping from her lip gloss covered lips.

I gave her a look. "Yes but that isn't the point here Cindy! There is something strange about him. He said his dad sent him to stay here but why? I mean he or his dad must have money so how would they know Jerald? Plus he can be a complete ass."

She thought about it for a moment, leaning back in her saddle as Willow walked down a slight hill towards the woods. "First off, all guys are jerks to a certain extent. Second, maybe his father is friends with Jerald. You said both Jerald and John Ross seemed to be from New York. I do agree you should snoop and figure it out but that doesn't mean you can't flirt and have a little fun." She winked at me. I ignored her, taking in the scenery. I focused on feeling Goliath walk underneath me and loved the feeling of freedom that riding gave me. It was all I knew. I knew nothing about being in a relationship, always running from being vulnerable towards anyone. I learned from a young age that being strong is safe, you can't get hurt if you don't let people in. If Jerald and Justin up and left me one night I wouldn't be hurt by it, I'd just be curious why and go on with my life.

"I've decided that I do need to figure out the secret behind John Ross and Jerald but racing is my number one priority. I'm going to be stuck at Jerald's for the rest of my life if I don't." I sighed, giving Goliath a little kick to get him to speed up. I just wanted to run, run away from everything and everyone. I have the survival skills to live away from civilization.

I sat up straight, Goliath thundering across the field and Cindy with Willow were trying to keep up. I grabbed a hold of my hat as I felt it lift off my head and let out a "Yee Haw!" I heard Cindy laughing behind me. I turned to look at her, "Come on Cindy Lou Who! Trigger runs fast than Goliath here and ya'll are lagging behind." I smiled, slowing Goliath down so I was next to her.

"Well Miss Anastasia Marie, not everyone can have a solid 1D to 2D barrel horse." She shot back giving me a little shove.

I just laughed at her and relaxed into the saddle as we brought the horses back down to a walk. "Cindy can I tell you a secret that you can't tell anyone?"

She glanced at me quizzically, "Yeah, you know you can."

"I'm a virgin." I couldn't look at her because I had a reputation in the rodeo circuit of being a badass and well a virgin didn't exactly fit the title.

Cindy let out a belly clutching laugh. "You think I didn't already know that Ana? That time Kelly Brown's older brother Adam grabbed your butt a few months back and your face turned beet red. I knew right then and there that you were."

"I guess you really are my best friend." I sighed, completely embarrassed.

Cindy stopped giggling and stopped Willow in her tracks. "Anastasia, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. You're only eighteen, it's not like you're thirty. Waiting for the right guy is a smart thing to do." She had a point but I hated being inexperienced at anything. "I think that's why you are so nervous around John Ross, because he's probably the first guy you've been attracted to and you don't know his type."

We started walking again and had gone in a circular shape and a mile away was her house. "I don't know Cindy, I have more important things to focus on than my sexual attraction to a city boy. Yes, when my guard is down, I do get the urge to jump him but I don't know anything about him."

"Whatever, just don't let him slip through your fingers because honestly he hasn't done anything bad. Yeah, he's acted like he didn't want to be there and he's been kinda pervy when flirting but he's helped you when you were hurt, did chores for you, tried to help with hay, and he wants to learn how to ride. Plus he loves your horse and Trigger loves him. Trigger doesn't like anyone but you."

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