Chapter 24

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I wiggled to get out from under neither Trigger every time she thrashed to get up but I just didn't have enough leverage to do so. During her third attempt I felt arms coming under my armpits to pull me out. Once my foot was free and my rescuer had me on my feet, well foot, and I tried to get back to Trigger, who had given up on getting up for the time being. But strong arms with a familiar tattoo held me back. "Let go of me!" I growled, before yelling, "Trigger!"

A bunch of the emergency team was surrounding Trigger but she didn't fight them. I took note of the vet checking out her front legs before attempting to help her up. "Sweetheart, I'm almost positive you broke your foot so I'm not letting you go anywhere. Here comes the medic now, please be a good girl would ya?"

I tore my gaze away from Trigger and looked at the gorgeous man in front of me. John Ross's facial hair had grown into the start of a full on beard and he was casually dressed in a ASA College t-shirt and faded jeans. But he looked hotter than ever and from the heated look in his eye, he thought the same thing about me. He boldly grabbed the back of my neck, kissing me gently with so much love to the point that I gripped his shirt because one leg wasn't enough to keep me up.

But after mere seconds, John Ross was pulled away from me as medics surrounded us, poking and examining me from head to toe. "Ms. Kitt does anything hurt other than your foot?" A man asked urgently, flashing a flashlight in each of my eyes.

I pushed the men away from me, spotting John Ross being kept back by a few guys. I fought my way towards him, ignoring the searing pain in my most likely broken foot. To the audience, the arena probably looked like chaos in every form of the word. But I was ignoring everything but John Ross and Trigger who was struggling onto her feet with the help of the veterinarian and a few cowboys. When I reached John Ross, I shoved the two idiots out of my way and wrapped my arms around his neck. He scowled at me, lifting me up bridal style, "Stubborn brat." He grumbled, carrying me towards to medic who looked very irritated. "Let the man do his job, Sweetheart."

I sighed dramatically, making myself go limp. He chuckled, my body humming happily at having him this close. "Are we going to cooperate now Ms. Kitt?" The medic asked, speaking like he would to a child.

I scowled at him, holding out my injured foot. While he looked at it, I focused on John Ross and how out of character he looked. He looked rugged, more masculine and just a whole new level of sexy I didn't know he could reach. "See something you like, Sweetheart?" He had a cocky grin on his face and I never thought I'd miss that look so much.

I looked into his smiling blue eyes, mesmerized by the ring of navy blue around the edges and the light gray in the center. I grabbed the back of his neck, gripping the longer hairs and pressed his lips to mine, ignoring the EMT currently examining my foot. His new whiskers he had tickled a little but it was something I knew I would grow to like. They brushed my nose and chin, I couldn't help giggle lightly when he playfully drug his face against my cheeks.

After being interrupted by a glare from the EMT, John Ross and I gazed over each other before he genuinely smiled at me, "I love you Sweetheart. So damn much that I couldn't function without you."

My heart leapt in my chest, tears welling in my eyes with happiness. I gently kissed his cheek, "Well you still look pretty sexy for not functioning." I teased and his eyes lit up with the compliment. "But I love you either way."

Before John Ross could respond, the EMT butted in, "Your foot is definitely broken and your ankle seems sprained as well. So that means a trip to the hospital for you Miss Kitt."

I groaned, throwing my head. Well this sucked, I'm finally making up with John Ross, declaring our love for each other in a cheesy way, and now I have to go to the damn hospital. "I don't want to go to the hospital." I huffed, glaring at the medic.

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