Chapter 19

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I heard the bed creek and Ridge's footsteps as he entered the bathroom behind me. I ignored him, leaning back over the toilet coughing and heaving the remainder of my stomach contents. I felt his hands gently holding my hair back and I broke, tears starting to leak from my eyes. "Hey, Honey. What's wrong? You were doing good so far this morning, hell even last night you were happy with no control over your mouth." He had me pressed into his chest, still holding my hair but this time to keep my head anchored to him.

Well crap, that didn't sound good. What did my big drunk mouth say this time? I hated being a wreck, everyone always saw me as a rock, cool and collected but when I broke, I tended to go off the deep end. "Don't worry about it." I mumbled, conspicuously wiping off my mouth. "But what exactly happened when we got back here last night?" I can only imagine. I probably tried to jump him but was that before or after I took a shower because my hair is damp like I went to bed with a wet head.

I felt him smile against my hair and got nervous. Maybe I really did try to jump him. "Well trying to get you in the truck, after you had realized it was me taking you from Parker, you had jumped on me, wrapping your legs around my waist and kissed every inch of my face." I closed my eyes and repeatedly bumped my head into his chest. He laughed, holding my head still. "Don't worry Honey, I enjoyed it quite a bit." I scowled at him and smacked his arm. "But once I finally got you in the truck, you sat as close to me as you could, practically in my lap kissing my neck while whispering what I'm guessing was naughty things in french." I felt my whole face turn red with embarrassment. I'm an awful person and an awful drunk, I'll flirt with any guy who looks my way, it seems. He ran his fingers through my hair, "God do I wish I knew what you had been saying. But I finally got you back to my house where I could keep an eye on you and you decided that we needed a shower. Yes, I said we."

Oh my god. Kill me now. I don't deserve to have a friend like Ridge, he put up with my drunken behavior and it must have been torture for him to have to reject my advances. "Geez Ridge, I'm so sorry. I hope it doesn't get much worse than that."

I watched his lips twitch as he fought a smirk before continuing, "Oh it does. After you stripped down to your bra and underwear, you tried to undress me but I stopped you and you pouted, stealing my phone." Oh no. Please tell me I didn't. "Then you called John Ross and started yelling at him in french, which he seemed to understand but then you sauntered into the bathroom still talking to him." I had to call him. Knowing me I probably screwed everything up and ruined any chance I had at him coming back.

I ripped myself away from Ridge and made a break for his room but he grabbed me quickly. "Don't even think about it, Missy. You have a race you need to get ready for and I need to get you home to pack up and leave."

I glared at him, but he was right, I needed to get home to have enough time to drive Trigger to Georgia. "Fine. But you're still an ass for not stopping me from calling him last night!"

He huffed, "Like that's my fault. You stole my phone and ran in only your underwear. If I had grabbed you who knows what you would have done or said. You should be thankful that you woke up next to me and not Parker."

I groaned again and stumbled back into his room in search of my shirt. The sooner we got out of here the sooner I could call John Ross and apologize for my behavior last night.


"Come on Jerald!" I yelled impatiently, looking at the clock on the trucks dash. We had seven hours to get to the arena in Georgia and sign in but we were cutting it pretty close.

Finally he came waltzing out of the house and towards the truck getting in the drivers seat. "Calm down kid, we'll make it." He grumbled, looking at me and my grandma. Yeah, I had forgotten that she was coming so luckily she called earlier and showed up here to ride with us. "So kid, you and Trigger ready for this? When I say you and Trigger, I mainly mean you because I noticed that that Denton kid brought you home hungover this morning." I kept a straight face but my heart was pounding, waiting for the look of disappointment. But it never came. "It's about damn time you had some fun other than being on a horse. I've been watching you mope around my property for a year now and the most alive I've seen you is when John Ross showed up. And I know you went drinking because John Ross left but if I know my grandson at all, he'll come sniffing again. He's a very loyal boy despite what people may think."

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