Chapter 23

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I heard screaming cowboys and cowgirls from the barn I was in. I could see the flashing lights shining through the large open door to the arena but none of the horses seemed fazed. They were all anxious and fidgeting but it was because they'd been here multiple times before and knew what they were going to be doing. But not Trigger, normally she'd be dancing around like everyone else but she just stood there with her head down and her ears back. She was nervous and that didn't make me feel any better. I was already a wreck over the whole John Ross thing and waiting to see if Trigger's knee would be alright for today, but I had a bad feeling in my stomach and by the looks of it, Trigger wasn't so sure either.

Her knee looked better, the swelling had gone down from keeping ice on it and giving her an inflammatory for horses. Luckily she wasn't lame at all, I had lunged her at a canter and had galloped her around. She never made a wrong step and never once limped afterward. So that had my hopes up but only a little. I needed to do well here, Trigger's and my future depended on it.

"Ana, the barrels are starting in 15 minutes. You might want to start saddling her up." Jerald poked his head in. I looked at him sadly, John Ross obviously gets his looks from his grandfather. They have the same blue eyes that know everything but say little, and they're bone structures are almost identical so I'm sure Jerald was very attractive when he was younger. "What's with the sad look?" He asked, bringing my attention back from his face.

I looked down and shrugged, "It's just," I paused for moment, "he looks just like you is all."

I heard his boots thump on the floor, then his arm came over my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "My grandson loves you, there's no doubt about it. He just needs time to gain the courage to fight for you and fix things."

I sighed, burying my face into his chest. "How can you be so sure, Jer?" I mumbled.

He snorted, "Because his father keeps calling me and complaining that I need to talk sense into you to get back together with John Ross." I pulled back, looking at him puzzled. "John Ross isn't being himself, Anastasia. All he does is work out and play football. He won't do anything business wise, he's not eating well, and he won't talk to anyone. His father is pretty close to saying screw it and just save the company for Clayton when he turns 21."

"Seriously?" I asked surprised. "I was that important to him?"

Jerald hugged me tighter, "I told you he loved you. That boy has never really loved anyone in his life except for Clayton and his grandmother but he absolutely adores you."

I nodded, fighting my tears. I shrugged out of his hold gently, "You better get back to your seat, the first session should be starting soon."

He gave me one last squeeze, smiling in encouragement and left me with my thoughts and the modern country song that made my ears ring.

I needed to talk to him, hear his voice. I pulled out my phone and hesitated before dialing his number. It rang for a minute before he finally answered. "Sweetheart?" He just about yelled. I could hardly understand him as the music that was in the background was too loud.

I hesitated, it's now or never. "John Ross, I love you. I'll always love you and I want to fix things."

I didn't get a response but I could still here music coming from the phone and from the arena so it was next to impossible for us to hear each other. "Sweetheart, I can't hear you. I..." Then I couldn't hear what he said over the screams of the crowd as the barrels were about to start.

"John Ross I have to go, I'm sorry." I hung up before he could respond. I quickly grabbed Trigger's tack and saddled her up in record time. I grabbed her reins and walked her out to the warm up ring that contained the chute to the main arena. "Alrighty girl, we've got this." I patted her neck, as she looked around curiously.

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