Chapter 9

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I woke up to fingers running through my hair and the gentle rise and fall of John Ross's chest. I never really was comfortable with many people but somehow John Ross managed to weasel his way in. I wouldn't say I like like him and I'm really considering pulling back a little even. I mean I just met him and I knew from the start he was a ladies man. Who knows, this could be his normal pick up style. Act like he cares, gains her trust, sleep with her and move on to the next. Well you know what he can try all he wants but I'm gonna milk the affection he's willing to give but I'm never putting out. I haven't stayed a virgin this long to give it up to some smooth talker from New York.

"What are you thinking about honey?" he asked softly. The barn was quiet, Justin must have let the horses out already.

"How much of a ladies man you are." I teased, climbing off him and stretching when my feet hit the ground. He smiled at me and stood up as well.

"You have to be in my business. If you want investors, you have to be charismatic and that includes wooing some ladies and their daughters." he explained, brushing his finger along my jaw.

I swatted his hand away, "Stop trying to woo me." I scolded. "I've fought off horny cowboys, I can resist a cocky city boy like you."

He chuckled, looming over me. "Challenge accept, sweetheart."


I sat next to John Ross at the kitchen table, Jerald across from us. All of us were silent and it was getting really awkward. So I finally broke the silence, "If we promise to not go anywhere without your permission again, can this torture be over with?"

He glared at me, "That isn't the point. One of you could have been hurt out there. And guess whose fault it would be? Mine! Both of you are my responsibility." I clenched my jaw and stayed quiet.

John Ross stood up, grabbed my hand and yanked me away. "Come on. You don't need this stress before your race tomorrow."

Him and I walked side by side, sliding on shoes as we walked outside. He tugged me toward his car, "Where are we going?" I asked, admiring the black convertible.

"Not sure, away from here? Anywhere in particular you'd like to take me?" He asked, opening my door for me. I stared at it in awe. All of a sudden I felt inferior to him. Like I wasn't worthy of even being in his presence. Everything I owned wouldn't even add up to a tiny portion of the money he must have. "You gonna get in, sweetheart?"

I tore my gaze away from the car and really looked at John Ross. His hand tasseled blonde hair that looked professionally styled even when he first wakes up, that perfect face that you believe only celebrities have, and his clothes that, even though they're only a T-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and Nike sneakers probably cost as much as my leather barrel saddle. He's too perfect, almost godly and yet he's paying attention to me. All the stuff he's paid for since he got here is nothing to him because there's always more there to replace it. "Damn, I really should have let you buy me that saddle." I muttered.

His laugh jolted me from my thoughts. "I told you it wasn't a problem but you insisted. Now will you just get in the car and tell me where you'd like to go."

I slowly got in the extremely low car, my hands running along the deep red leather seats and there was an advanced computer system where a normal radio, a/c, and heater would be. "Cindy Lou would never believe this." I stated more to myself, still not believing how much money John Ross must have.

He started the car with a gentle purr, "Does Cindy Lou live around here?"

I turned toward him, "What? Oh, yeah. She lives just east of town on a ranch."

A Cowgirl's Rodeoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें