Chapter 17

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I silently observed my best friend, who was lying flat on her back on her bed, trying to convince me she was alright. "Anastasia, I'm alright! I told you, we just parted ways angry." She looked over at me in her computer chair. Her hair was up in a messy bun, it looked greasy and unwashed and she was in baggy shorts and a sports bra.

I'd been patient but it's down to the threads. "That's bullshit and we all know it." I stood up and stood next to her bed with my hand on my hip. "Cindy, what the hell happened? Did he hit you? Or force you to do something you didn't like?"

She sprang up to her feet, "You really want to know how pathetic I am?" she spat. "I had been a date for an engaged man. Worse yet, I slept with said engaged man."

I was shocked to say the least but then my shock turned to anger. I was pissed at both Smithson boys. "John Ross!" I growled, "Why the hell did you invite her to accompany him, if he was engaged?"

John Ross sat in Cindy's purple beanbag chair, a dark look on his face. "I didn't know and obviously neither does the rest of my family because nobody said anything." His hard stare wasn't directed towards me and I was grateful for that because otherwise I'd be six feet under. "I'm gonna kill him. You don't cheat on any woman, especially one you made a forever promise to." He got up, pacing around the room.

"Yeah well get in line. I'm sure we'd all like to take a swing at him. But if I never saw him again, it would still be too soon." Cindy grumbled, her anger diminishing and sat cross-legged on her bed. "Who needs men when you have chocolate." She grabbed a Hersey bar from her side table and broke a piece off. "Want one?" she mumbled, handing a piece out to me.

I shrugged, reaching out for it. "I'm leaving, I'll be back in a while Sweetheart." John Ross's voice was gruffer and his muscles and jaw more tense. He brushed a kiss on my lips, pulling away before I could respond. I scowled at him and he smirk before kissing Cindy on top of the head. "Don't eat all the chocolate while I'm gone."

I gripped his bicep as he walked by. "How long are you going to be?" I asked quietly.

I watched his features soften and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'll call Jerald for you, ask him to bring some clothes over for you if you'd like to spend the night. I'm gonna be gone a few days but I promise to be in Georgia for your next race."

I bit my lip nervously, "What about the lock box? I don't want to open it without you."

My heart skipped a beat when I realized how desperate I sounded. Since when had I become so attached to him that being apart made me nervous? I hate being reliant on people so what made me depend on John Ross? His good looks was obvious, he had devilish good looks that draws you into him. But he also had a tendency to take care of people, to speak in a way that people want to open up to him. Most importantly, he's not fake at all. He knows who and what he is and doesn't try to be anything else. He's warm-hearted, caring, protective, and supportive. He's never told me no, or that something I want to do is stupid. He's always been there for me since he arrived. John Ross gently held my face between his hands, "Can it wait until after your competition, Sweetheart?" I tried to look down but he held my face up so I looked into his eyes. "Honey, if Josh didn't tell us he was engaged, then that means it's someone we wouldn't approve of. So more than likely he's in hiding with his fiancé and the longer I wait the harder it will be to get my hands on him."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded, "Alright, you better make it to my race though."

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "I will, I promise."

I watched him walk out of the room and turned to Cindy, "Up for sleep over?" I don't know why but John Ross leaving like that, even if it is for Cindy's honor felt like a punch to my heart. I didn't like this feeling and I wasn't going to sit around and feel bad for myself.

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