Chapter 12

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"Ana, are you ready yet? John Ross said we are leaving in 5 minutes." Cindy said behind my closed door.

I was still kind of peeved at John Ross and Jerald for not telling me. Especially Jerald because I've been living on his property for the past couple years. But my mind wasn't milling over that news as I stared in the mirror with the cosmetic lady that made me look like this.

My hair was perfectly curled with big loose curls but all my hair was pinned off to one side. My dress and makeup matched, the strapless mini cocktail dress being an olive green color with flower lace covering the top and ran down my right side, and my eye shadow was the same color with simple mascara and eyeliner and my lips covered in red stain. I've NEVER looked anything like this before. I've always been the comfort over fashion girl. The natural look girl. But this... I just couldn't wrap my head around.

I sighed, "Thanks so much Melody. You're one hell of a miracle worker." I hugged her quickly.

She giggled, "Come on Miss Kitt, all the Smithsons are impatient people. It'd be best if you headed out now." I gave her an uncomfortable look. "You look beautiful and everyone is gonna tell you that. Have some confidence Miss Kitt and get your butt out there."

I took one last glance in the mirror, then slid on my heels. Well here goes nothing. I opened the door and stood in front of a gorgeous Cindy. She wore an extremely expensive looking light pink dress that completely covered her chest with lace long sleeves but basically had no back. The dress came down to her knees but was slightly longer on one side and they had given her a shadowy eye with light pink lip stain. But I loved her hair, a French style braid on one side of her head with some loose curls hanging down and the other side just loose curls.

After we both checked each other over, we nodded together, "Yeah, we look good."

We linked arms and headed towards the stairs. I felt eyes follow us as we walked next to the railing and looked down in the foyer. There was Tiffany fixing a man's tie, a group of four extremely good looking guys in suits staring at us, Jerald conversing with a young version of John Ross, there was two other men who looked to be 25 or so, and then I spotted him. John Ross was leaning against a column staring directly at me with a slight smile. We made it to the top of the stairs, "Alright, let's see if I can do this without tripping." I joked to Cindy.

"He wasn't kidding." She muttered, looking over everyone below.

"About what?"

"That it's hereditary for people to be hot in his family." Her eyes were still glued to the group below us.

"Come on." I chuckled, starting down the stairs with one hand on the banister. As my heels clicked on the marble, everyone turned to look at me. I fought the blush that was attempting to take over my cheeks but kept my head high and gave everyone a slight smile. "Sorry, for the wait. I'm not quite used to looking like this." They all laughed lightly.

John Ross was there, holding out his arm for me to take at the bottom step. He gave me kiss on my cheek. "You look beautiful Sweetheart. Green is definitely your color."

I laughed nervously and leaned my head against his shoulder for a moment. "I don't know if I'll remember how to ballroom dance." I confessed, starting to chew on my bottom lip.

He glanced down at me once we stood next to the door. "You took lessons?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.

I ran my finger over his eyebrow, "I never could do that." He gave me a pointed look. "Alright. Yes, one winter when I was 13. We had actually gotten snow that year and was too cold and slippery to race. I didn't have Trigger, I had my old horse and he was having issues with his joints and the cold weather so I didn't want to risk hurting him. I got bored and saw ballroom dancing on TV, so for 3 months I took lessons at a studio in Dallas."

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