Puberty Hurts

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Logan's outfit.

Logan's P.O.V

I got dressed and ruffled up my freshly dyed hair. My dad's friend Michael from 5SOS dyed it red like his. "Morning Landon." I said and my voice cracked. "What the-" he said and I ran downstairs. "WHY IS MY VOICE SQUEAKY?!??!?!" I asked daddy. "You are starting puberty my friend." he told me patting my shoulder. "I cant go to school sounding like this! Daddy I'm going into 7th grade today!!!!! I'm gonna get picked on!" I whined. "Logan half of the boys your age probably started puberty as well." He said. "But!" I said and ran into my room locking the door. "Logan?" he said knocking. "I'm not going to school until my voice is back!" I said. "Your voice is gonna get deeper." Daddy said. "I know but still!!!" I said and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone and texted Michael.

L-Logan M:)-Michael:) Lu-Lukey C-Calum H. A-Ash

L- Hey :(

M:)- Whats wrong?

L- Puberty is whats wrong! Daddy is trying to make me go to school!

M:)- Oh god. Hang on

* Michael added Lukey, Calum H. and Ash to the conversation *


C- HI!!!!


L- lol

A- Luke?

Lu- Yeah?

A- did u write lol?

L- No that was me LOGAN DUMBOS!

A- OH! Hey im not dumb.

Lu- Why arent u in school?

M:)- Puberty happened.

L- Is this why u added them?

M:)- Yessssss

L- Michael whyyyyyyyy!

M:)- Logan Becauseeeeeeee!

C- Oooooh they fight like they dating. DETAILZZZ

M:)- Calum wtf.

Lu- Yeah everyone know Im dating Michael.

Lu- HOW DO I DELETE THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

M:)- LUKE!!!!

A- OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!



L- Luke and Michael sitting in a tree!

C- K!

A- I!

L- S!

C- S!

A- I!

L- N!

C- G!

M:)- SHUT UP!!!

Lu- Shut up! But it's true! We have kissed in a tree!

M:)- LUKE!!!!!!




L- Mhmmmm.

L- Anyways im gonna sleep. Bye!

C- Bye!




* Logan has left the conversation*

I shut off my phone and took off my shirt and got into my boxers and curled up on my bed. "Logan?" I heard. I unlocked the door earlier during the group text thats how this person got in. "Night bubba." the person said and kissed my forehead. They went to walk away but I opened my eyes to see Daddy and grabbed his hand pulling him onto my bed cuddling up next to him. "Love you bud." he said. "Love you to daddy." I said. He lied down next to me and held onto me. I sighed and fell asleep.

Loui's P.O.V

Landon left for school but Logan or Niall hadnt come downstairs yet. Well Niall did. I went up stairs into Logan's room to see Logan curled up with Niall and both asleep. I walked up to them and kissed Niall on the lips then Logan on the cheek. "Good night my loves." I said and shut the light off and walked out of the bedroom and went back downstairs.

{Time skip}

I had been watching TV for about half and hour then someone came downstairs and plopped down next to me. I looked next to me and saw Niall looking sleepy as hell. "Hey baby. You tired?" I asked. "Yeah boobear." He said and kissed my cheek. I then kissed him and he kissed back. "I love you. I mumbled into the kiss. "Love you to." he said and pulled away from me. He rested his head on my shoulder and cuddled up next to me. I ruffled his hair and held onto him. "Niall." I said. "Yeah." he said and looked at me, "Why isnt Logan in school?" I asked. "He doesnt wanna be picked on because he started puberty and his voice is squeaky." he said groggily. I nodded and kept watching spongebob.

A/N I added 5SOS cause they are awesome!!!! BYE

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