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{Logan's shirt}

Logan's P.O.V

I threw on the shirt Michael got me for Christmas and some shorts sense its nice out. I ran downstairs and jumped on dad's back "Ah!" he said and grabbed me."Hey love." he said pulling me over so he was carrying me. "Morning dad." I said. I heard a whine and saw daddy on the stairs. "Loui! I want food!" he whined. "But Niall!!!" dad whined back. "Loui dont!" daddy said and ran into the kitchen. Daddy finished breakfast and we all eat. I grabbed my phone and put it in my backpack and grabbed my lunch."Bye dad, bye daddy!" I said and hugged them. "Bye boys!" they said. I got on my skateboard and rode to school. Uncle Liam and uncle Zayn live near us ever sense we all moved onto the same block. Well they did,they kinda stalked us. I put my skateboard in my bag and went to my locker. I heard laughing behind me and I turned around. "I-is that the s-stupid guy from 5 seconds of s-summer!" said Adrian, my ex best friend. Him and Zack, my other ex best friend, were laughing. "First of all Michael isnt stupid and second he's pretty much my uncle so id shut you mouth before you get 1 fist full of sass and another full of ass." I said. They stared at me and burst out laughing. "EVERYONE LOOK! Logan Horan-Tomlinson likes 5SOS!!! Just like he has his 2 gay dads from that gay boy band One Direction!!!" Adrian sneered. "The band isnt gay!" I screamed. "Why are you defending them?OH MY GOD! YOUR GAY! LOGAN'S GAY!!!" Zack screamed. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed and punched Zack in the jaw. "Oh now your gonna get it!" Him and Adrian sneered. "GET EM!" Zack screamed and ran after me. I ran outside to the football (Soccer) field and kept running. Zack caught up to me and tackled me. He punched me and Adrian kicked me. My friend Gabby came over with the principal and I had tears running down my cheeks. "BOYS!" Mr. Jacobs screamed. Zack and Adrian stopped and the principal stood them at the wall. "Gabby please bring Logan to the nurse." he said. Gabby helped me up and walked me to the nurse. She was the first to know I was gay, I trust here. "Nice shirt. Michael give you it?" she asked. "Yeah. Hey can we go to my locker?" I asked. she brought me over there and I grabbed my Michael bear. "He also gave me this." I said and held onto it. I hold it when Im hurt, scared or sad. We walked into the nurses office and she looked at me worried. "Lets call your parents bud. I'l get you ice for your leg." Mrs. Daniels said. I grabbed my phone and called daddy.

{Time skip}

"Come here love!" daddy said walking through the door. He sat next t me and pulled me in his lap. "we have to go to Mr. Jacobs office. You wanna walk?" he asked. "Uppy!" I said and he picked me up carrying me to the principals office. "Hi Niall, Hi Logan. Wheres Louis?" Mrs. Jacobs said. "Lou is at the store so I came here." Daddy said sitting in the chair with me. I looked to my left and saw Adrian and Zack with their parents, they are brothers after all. "Adrian, Zack do you have something to say?" Mr. Jacobs asked. "Sorry Logan." they said. "Logan what about you?" he said. "I do. Respect others or I'll beat your ass." I said. "Pretty sure we beat your ass back there, or your daddy wouldnt come."Zack said getting in my face. I pushed him away from me and grabbed daddy's hand. I looked at Zack and Adrian and lipped out "at least he loves me un-like your parents!". I looked at daddy and gave him an Innocent look "Up!" I said and he picked me up. "Bye." Daddy said and we went to my locker got my stuff and went home. "Love you baby." he said and he set me in the front seat. "Love you to." I said and closed the door. "Wanna hear funny story?" daddy asked. "Ok shoot." I said and listened. "So when your dad and I first started dating he loved his Audi R8 the car were in right now. I have to keep this one all clean cause its my anniversary present to him. So we went on our first date together and we went to an Italian restaurant then to the park and took a walk. We come back to the car and theres some drunk hobo sticking out his window and crashed into Lou's car. Lou started to flip out, it was funny. This is the color he had to and Im so excited." he said "Wow. Hey daddy." I said. "hm?" he hummed focusing on the rode "I told Michael." I said. "I dont think he wants to be friends with me now." I said. "He was probably just shocked." Daddy said pulling into the garage. "Lets go watch TV." he said and carried me into the living room and we watched a football game.

A/N Poor Logan. Next chapter is gonna be up soon. BYE

Life Is Complicated| Sequel to Im In Love With The New Kid| Nouis Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now