Now there are 3. Part 1

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{1 year later}

Landon's P.O.V

Its summer and Logan and I are now 13. Luke and Michael came over with big news and I was kinda scared. "So whats the big news?" Logan asked Luke. "Well Mikey and I went out today and we have been planning this for a while now and we adopted this adorable ginger lil guy. His name is Gage. He is so cute you have to meet him." Luke said. Michael ran in after a little 3 year old looking boy who was giggling. "Papa no!" he said and climbed up onto Luke. "Is papa chasing you again?" Luke asked in a baby voice. "Yeah dada." the little guy said. I was in awe until I heard someone get off the big bean bag I was sitting in. Logan got up and sat as far away from Gage as he could get. "Logan whats wrong? Your dad's said we could call Gage here your cousin. So come on over, come play with him." Mikey said. Logan shook his head no and went into the kitchen. Jealousy isnt a good color on him.

Logan's P.O.V

Jealousy: Why couldn't that be me?


Sadness: I want to curl up in a ball and cry. Mikey and Lukey are mine!

Fear: He's gonna take them away from me.

Those 4 emotions spilled inside of me. "Logan, you ok?" Someone asked. I looked u and saw Michael. He pulled me into a hug and I pushed him off of me running to the trash bin throwing up. "Whoa! What, where did that come from?" he asked. "To many emotions." I mumbled, stumbling into Michael's arms. "Papa! Papa! Uncle Loui say we stay here foe teh night!" we heard. "thats good baby. Hey go to dada." Mikey said and Gage ran off. Mikey picked me up and sat me in his lap. "you ok now?" he asked. I shook my head no and clung onto him. He rubbed my back and stood up bringing me to my room. He set me on my bed and kissed my cheek. "I'll go get your dad." he said and left.

Anger: Punch the door, let out your anger!

Fear: If I punch the door I could break my hand.

Anger: SCREW IT!

I got up and rammed my fist through my door. I didnt break my hand or anything. "What the fu- Logan!" Luke said staring at the door. "OH MY GOD!" Someone squeaked. "Logan!" Dad growled. I know his voice when he is mad "Out!" he said and my door was closed. "Let me see your hand." he said. I gave him my hand and he grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom and wrapped my hand up. "Love ya." he said kissing my hand that he wrapped up. He goes from mad to caring in less than a minute. "Hey why did you punch your door?" he asked. I sat in his lap and sighed. "way to many emotions right now dada." I said sounding like I as when I was little. When I called him dad a smile grew onto his face. "I remember the first day you called me dad. I was shocked, I wanted to be dada forever." he said hugging me, I held onto him resting my head on his shoulder. "I love you dada." I said kissing his cheek. "Love you to bubba." he said kissing my forehead. He picked me up carrying me downstairs. "Looks like Logan's settled. So were staying the night, Landon do you wanna have Gage in your room? Or do you wanna sleep with dada and papa?" Luke asked Landon and Gage. "Sleep with Landon!" Gage said hugging Landon. "Hey! I have an idea! When you guys go on tour, lets have Gage stay here!!!!" Daddy said. My eyes bulged. "WHAT!" I screamed, everyone stared at me. "Calm down it was just a suggestion." daddy said staring at me. "And it was a dumb one!" I said and slid of dad's lap. "Logan what has gotten into you today?" Luke asked. "EMOTIONS HAVE OK LUKE! THERE! NOW SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed and ran outback jumping into the pool. I swam to the deep end and hung around the ledge.

Luke's P.O.V

"Why did he yell dada?" Gage asked with tears in his eyes. "I-I dont know." I said handing Gage to Michael running after Logan. I saw him in the pool so I slid into the deep end next to him. "Whats wrong babe?" I asked. "I hate having a younger brother and younger relatives!" he said starting to cry. "Awe buddy. Why dont you like them?" I asked. "Because I just do! They're annoying!!!" he said and lied his head on his hands. "You know, being a big brother does have a good side. Like you can have them look up to you. You can make them laug-" I was cut off by Logan splashing me. "Come get me Aussie boy!" He screamed and swam away. "You little!" I screamed and chased him in the pool. "Where did you go?" Logan asked. I swam behind him pulling him underwater with me. "AH! Luke not funny!" he whined. "YES IT WAS!" I laughed. "Whats going o- Logan! What did dad say about clothes in the pool?!?!" We looked up and saw Niall. I let go and swam to Niall. "Luke why are you in the pool?" he asked. I shrugged and pulled him in. "Luke!" he whined. "Oh my god." we looked over and saw Loui, Landon and Michael, who was holding Gage. They all jumped in the pool except for Michael and Gage. Mikey sat in the shallow end holding Gage. Logan rolled his eyes at Michael and swam back to his ledge. I saw Niall nod at Loui and they went underwater and I watched them pick up Logan and swim to Mikey. "Logan. Say hi." Lou said. "No!" He fought. "Come on Logan!" Mikey whined. "Nope!!!" he said. He got out of Lou and Niall's grip and got out of the pool. Tonight is gonna be a long night isnt it.

A/N GAGE IS ADORABLE!!!! Anyways, Logan snapped at luke. oh shit. BYE

Life Is Complicated| Sequel to Im In Love With The New Kid| Nouis Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang