Happy Anniversary

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{Loui's new car. WARNING: Way to many P.O.V changes XD}

Niall's P.O.V

Last night the boys went to grandmas so Loui and I had some alone time. I woke up before Loui so I stared at him. We went to bed naked last night for reasons ;). "Lou wake up." I whispered and kissed him. "No." he mumbled into the kiss. "If you wont get up I guess I'll do this." I said and started to grind on him. "Niall." he moaned. "Get up and we can finish later." I said. He opened his eyes and we got into our boxers. "Come on Niall I wanna give you your present." Lou giggled. "Here babe!" he said and handed me a box. I opened it and saw half of a heart. "I have the other half" he said. "Awe Lou!" I said. I hugged and kissed my amazing husband. "Me?" he said. "Well You know how you crashed your old Audi?" I asked. He nodded. "Go into the garage." I said. he ran and looked at the car. "NIALL!" he screamed jumping into my arms. "Its the same one." he said hugging me. "I love you boobear." I said "Love you to baby." he said. I kissed Loui and he kissed back. "Lou. I hope you dont mind but I got a present for the boys." I said. "What is it?" he asked. "Boys come here!" I said and Mikey, Luke, Ash and Calum came into the garage. "I thought you were on tour!" Lou said. "Were taking a break." Luke said, We hugged them and hung out for awhile. I noticed Lou looking a little sad so I walked over to him. "Whats wrong boobear?" I asked. "Well, now we cant finish what you started." he pouted. "I know how to make this better." I said looking at Lou. "How?" he asked me looking at me like an innocent 3 year old. "Guys go out into town. Im gonna spend time with my boobear." I said and the boys nodded then walked out the door.

Michael's P.O.V

I rested my head on Luke's shoulder while the driver drove to a amusement park. "Michael were gonna record for vevo we have interview questions." Ashton said. I nodded and stared at the camera. "Hey were 5 seconds of summer and were here to answer some questions." we all said. Ashton read out the question and then looked up. "I like scented candles." he said. "Yeah I like scented candles and everything else girly." Calum said. "There not girly its just I like the room to smell nice!" he argued. "Yeah cause your feet STANK!" Calum said. "You got stanky feet?" Luke said. "You know what you do, you throw my towel on the ground in the shower! I go in and say 'Well Im just gonna wash my hands and wipe my- OH WAIT THE SHOWERS ON THE- THE TOWELS ON THE DIRTY GROUND'!" I yelled. "Well you hang it in the shower so its dangling in the shower! I mean I wanna have a shower!" Ashton said. "WELL JUST PUSH IT OVER, MOVE IT OVER! Be a nice guy and move it over!" I yelled "Michael you are YELLING!" Ashton said, I stopped talking and stared at the guys. "And that was the end of 5 seconds of summer." Calum joked and he laughed. Ashton turned off the camera as we got to the amusement park. "Michael you must be this tall to ride!" Luke said putting his hand up. I knew what he meant. I blushed and jumped onto his back. "Were so weird!" Calum said on Ashton's back. The paparazzi showed up and followed us around. "Run Luke!!!" I screamed and he ran to a ride. He is such a bitch! "Wait this is from our music video for Try Hard!!!" I screamed. This is the exact roller coaster from the video! We got on and actually started singing Try Hard. "OH FUCK!" I screamed dropping down from the roller coaster so quick. The guys were laughing at me and it WASNT FUNNY. We got off the ride and took a selfie. I noticed something so I zoomed in on it and it was Logan, Landon and their aunts plus their grandma. "RUN!" I screamed looking back at them.

Logan's P.O.V

"RUN!" I heard I turned and saw 4 boys running and one of them looking at me. "Michael." I whispered. "What?" Lottie asked. "I cant believe he's here. I thought he was on tour." I said. "What babe?" Lottie asked again. "Michael, Luke, Ashton and Calum are here CRAP!" I said. "They are!?!?!?" Landon chirped. "Take me home." I said. Lottie picked me up and looked at me. "Your probably seeing things." She said hugging me. "Get off me and take me home!" I said. "Jeez." she said putting me down and talking to grandma.

{Time skip.}

"why are you guys home so early?" Daddy asked. "Logan can explain. We didnt want to but he made us." Landon pouted. "What happened?" daddy asked. "I-I SAW MICHAEL!" I screamed and ran into my room plopping onto my bed. "That was suppose to be a a surprise." Daddy said sitting at my feet, "He was really excited to see you." he said hugging me. I pushed him off me and he looked shocked. "So this was your fault." I said threw a pillow at him. "Dont talk to me." I said and stormed off.

Niall's P.O.V

"Dont talk to me." Logan said and stormed off. "Logan!" I said chasing him. "Take my fucking room! I HATE THIS FAMILY!" he screamed running out the door down the street. Our anniversary is ruined! "Niall why did Logan scream?" Loui asked. "He saw Michael and he hates me he took off running." I said in tears. "GO!" Loui screamed. I ran with him to the guys houses and we all ran out shouting for Logan. I saw a guy and Logan was standing there. The guys and I split up to find him and I did. I walked up to Logan and stared at the guy. "The fuck are you?" I asked. "His father." The guy said and thats when I grabbed Logan and ran. I found the guys and told them and we ran to my house. I slammed the door and the boys were there. I set Logan down and Michael looked at him. "FUCK YOU!" Logan screamed and Michael and ran upstairs.

Michael's P.O.V

I ran to Logan's room and he actually didnt lock the door. "Logan." I said opening the door. "Go away!" he said into his pillow. "I want to explain." I said sitting on his bed. "Go ahead." he said looking up at me. "I was just shocked when you told me. I couldnt form any words so I just typed well dots. I was just shocked, I still wanna be your friend babe. Friends?" I said. "Friends." he said hugging me. I saw him blush when I called him babe and it was cute. "Love you Mikey." he said, I nodded and held onto him.

Logan's P.O.V

Mikey was holding onto me and I plopped down in his lap. I looked at him and kissed him on the lips...

A/N CLIFFHANGER! I know what your thinking KYS!(Kill yourself). Dont worry. Imma post later on tonight. Bye

Life Is Complicated| Sequel to Im In Love With The New Kid| Nouis Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now