Part 1

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You woke up early in the morning to see that you were the first one awake out of your dorm mates. This was not unusual since you were always so eager to start practicing whatever you had scheduled for that day. After all you figured that the faster you woke up the faster you could keep on mastering choreography that your company would give you guys. You were just a girl who wanted to be able to achieve her dreams.
  It was your seventh year of being a trainee and if all went well you would be debuting in no time. Or that's what you thought...
   You were about to wake the other members up when suddenly your phone started ringing.
*Ring ding dong dong ding ding ring ding ding (yes that one shinee song was your ring tone)
The caller id said it was the CEO of Elixir entertainment himself. You internally panicked because he was such a mysterious man that intimidated you at times. Making sure to not keep him waiting you answered almost immediately.
CEO:y/n I need you to come to my office so we can discuss some matters regarding the new group.
You: ok sir I'll be right there. But should I tell the others as well since we will be part of the same group?
CEO:no... I just need to discuss something with you
You: Ok I'm on my way
*10mins later
   You walked into his office and  saw that he was sitting with his hands clasped together looking as if he was ready to talk business. He gestured for you to sit down.
CEO:y/n please sit I want to inform you about the group that will be debuting soon.

You: oh OUR  group that will debuting soon you mean... Yes I'm super excited that I will finally be able to debut with all of them. Words cannot even describe it!

CEO:about that... Y/n there's a reason I only called you here..

You: oh don't tell me! You want to make me leader?!

You: oh don't tell me! You want to make me leader?!

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(Here is you jumping to conclusions)

CEO:Actually I don't want you to debut with the group. I don't think you are ready just yet. I think another four years and you will be ready to debut with another group.

You: :0 but but I've worked so hard since I joined this company at 16. I'm 23 now. Wouldn't now be the perfect time to let me out of the company basement?

CEO:I'm sorry I've made up my mind. Be happy that you are in Elixir Entertainment at all.

*an hour later
You found your self sitting at a park wondering what you should do. You felt like you waited so long to not debut at all. Suddenly you felt angry and started writing a fire diss rap to give to that meanie CEO.You were so angry you finished it in no time and started to rap. You didn't expect anyone to be around at the time but little did you know that there was someone around the corner filming the whole thing.

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