part 11

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The door to the styling room swung open and the other three members of spark walked in. Seeing everyone else in similar revealing outfits as me calmed my nerves. Eun Sol spoke up first.
"Maybe we should do a good luck cheer before we go."
Miju looked up at the ceiling thinking about what it should be. "I got nothing. Any ideas?" She said looking to Giselle and I.

I thought for a bit and spoke up. "What about spark spark let's start a fire"

Giselle turned and looked disgusted.
MiJu and Eun Sol on the other hand looked pleased.

"Seriously? Isn't that a bit weird?" Giselle questioned.

"What? It's not that wierd. Fires Are cool right guys. People will say wow their performance was so fire."

"Yeah fires are cool, plus we are running out of time so we gotta do this now" MiJu smiled and put her hand in, which made the rest of you do the same.

"Spark spark let's start a fire!"

Feeling energized we followed MiJu out of the door which led to the hallway where the rest of the idols were waiting.
One of the groups caught my attention.

It was the group I was in before. Now known as Ace.
Of all days they could debut it had to be today you thought. They look like they are having fun- much more fun than they had with me.
Was I really that useless?
A person in the staff came up to our group and let us know that we were up.

I was only half listening to Eun Sol as she said some words of encouragement to me.
I nodded but still kept my eyes on my previous group.
One of the girls I had never seen locked eyes with me a gave a smirk which threw me off.

Eun Sol followed my line of direction and she frowned.
"Oh it's Mira. I should've known she would have left us for that company. Don't worry about it you're here now this is your time to make them regret their decision."
You took a deep breathe and put on a brave face. "Thanks Eun sol"

The four of you were ushered to the stage and the lights were set to hit the group directly.
Hot damn.Were the lights always this damn hot? I'm melting! You were brought back from your world of thoughts as the music played.
Suddenly as the rest of them started dancing you felt yourself become paralyzed with a fear you never felt before.
'Damn it move you idiot. If you don't move you'll ruin everything even more than you have already'

You remembered Yoongi's words of encouragement and snapped out of it quickly.

It was a good thing you remembered him the moment you did because it was your turn in the song.
You let the words flow just as you practiced the previous month and swiftly moved out of the center as it was Gisselle's part.
The song seemed to end quicker than you expected and Spark finished with a memorable pose.

As soon as you exited the stage the spark girls patted your back and made sure you were ok. Well except for Gissele.

"It's ok y/n it was the first time. It doesn't mean this is the last time. Next time we'll do better for sure " MiJu smiled.

"It's because it's the FIRST time that tonight was so disappointing. Do you realize how you've pretty much ruined our debut?" Giselle spat.

"Look I'm sorry I don't know what happened I kind of just froze and -"

You didn't even get to finish because Gissele stormed off.

"Gisselle!" MiJu ran after her.

You looked down in shame as you felt the familiar tightness of your throat  you always got before crying.
"Everything will be ok y/n Giselle is just a hot head and she's got a big mouth. MiJu will set her straight. Come one let's head home" Eun Sol grabbed on to your arm.
You nodded and followed her out.

As the both of you walked towards the exit you were blocked by the last people you wanted to see. It was your ex group.
"Long time no see y/n"

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