Part 3

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(Normal pov)
After about an hour of walking around aimlessly, you felt like singing away your stress so you went to karaoke alone. You walked into your own room and started flipping through the song options. You saw Jay Parks's Mommae  and chose the song. You rapped to the beat until you found yourself just twerking to it without singing at all. There was a window to the room that let everybody passing by see what you were up to but you didn't care because you were just tired of everything. You meant to have a good time and relieve some stress but you ended up singing to some sad songs, which eventually led you to sobbing uncontrollably on the floor. Something interrupted your crying  with a knocking sound.
Karaoke owner lady: "miss it's time for us to close now"
You: *cries harder

You finally left but felt worse. This calls for some soju. You hated drinking alone but you really didn't have anybody else with you. Your friends and family all lived in the countryside. 'Oh well I'll just drink alone one more time.'

You sat in one of the tents they had outside with a bunch of ahjummas serving rice cakes and soju. "Ahjumma can I have one bottle of soju and some spicy rice cakes please." You called out as you sat at one of the tables. There were some thug looking guys sitting at another table staring at you but you didn't notice because you were so intrigued by the plate of rice cakes in front of you.

One empty soju bottle turned into two and then into three and then somehow into seven.

Suga pov
'Ok it's been like  20 hours and she still hasn't come back to the park.' Tired of waiting suga got up from the same bench the converse girl had stood up on. He started to make his way back to the BTS dorms since she didn't show up. 'Maybe she'll come tomorrow' he thought.  Suga made a halt as he heard a familiar sound.

Y/n: "I'm already having a terrible day just leave me alone pleaaaaaseee"

'Isnt that converse girl in there?'He curiously stuck his head inside the small  street stand to see two thugs trying to get converse to go with them somewhere.

Thug1: "come on let's go have a good time tonight."

Thug2: "we'll make you feel better."

Suga couldn't stand to watch anymore as one of them started to run his hand up her thigh. He ran in and shoved them away from her. Remembering who he was he made sure his face was covered so that no scandal would happen and put her onto his back so he could run away. Suga ran until they were both back at the same park. He had no idea how he managed to run with her on his back the whole way. 'Maybe those thigh exercises jimin had recommended were starting to work' he wondered.

Suga: "hey are you ok you don't look too well. Sober up so I can talk to you."

Y/n: "I dont feel very well blehhh"

She threw up all over suga's shoes and fell onto the sidewalk.

'Oh my oh my oh my this girl did not just do this to my new Jordans I-'

He was about to yell at her but stopped when he was reminded of why he was there in the first place. There was no way he would talk about business matters in the state she was in. His plan was to drop her off home and to just leave a note attached to her with Bang PD's number. Suga lightly slapped her face so she would hopefully come to her senses.

Suga: "yah try to wake up I need you to tell me where you live."

She just groaned in response and swatted his hand away.

'I can't just leave her here. What if more creepy guys come.  I guess I'll just have to bring her with me.'

He called a taxi and carried her into it with him. When they arrived at the Bts dorms he called the other members to warn them that they'd be having a guest for the night. As he stepped inside with her over his shoulder they were all gathered in the living room with wide eyes. Since he was tired of carrying her around everywhere he threw her down on their couch as soon as possible.

Rap monster: "yoongi you had one job. What happened to her and why is she here?"

Suga: "long story short she was drunk and wouldn't tell me where she lived so I brought her here. It's fine she can take my room I'll sleep on the couch"

Jin: "what happened to your shoes? Weren't they originally white?"

Suga: "this thing happened"
*points at intoxicated ball on couch

Everyone went to sleep and suga carried converse  girl and put her onto his bed gently. He saw a tear slip out of her eye as she slept. 'Why are you crying nobody threw up on your Jordans?
ISTG if she throws up on my bed I'm throwing her out the window amazing rap skills or not'

He left to the living room with a blanket to get ready to sleep so his hectic day would finally be over.

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