Part 10

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The next day was the real deal. It was full on intense Dance training for spark's debut song they had already made. They all knew the dance moves of coarse. It was just you who they needed to teach the Choreo to.

It had also been decided that your rapping part in the song would be the same part of the ex Spark member who left last minute to another company. Knowing this made you a little uncomfortable because you felt kind of like you were stealing something away from someone. Besides the uncomfortable feeling this gave you, you had other things to worry about -like how the heck you were going to be able to learn everything in just a short amount of time. They were to debut in one month from now.

As of this moment you regretted all of the junk you had eaten in the past few days. One of the manager ladies of spark who monitored almost everything you guys were doing had taken one good look at you and said that at you had to lose at least seven pounds before you made your debut. Her name was Mrs. Oh and she reminded you of your mom only because she was always bossing you guys around.

"Ok let's take a break!"

MiJu calling a break broke you out of your own little world of thoughts.

You walked over to your water bottle, took a refreshing gulp of water and wiped the sweat from your forehead with a towel. MiJu walked over next to you and did the same.

"You doing ok? You seemed a little distracted back there."

"Yeah I'm ok I just needed a little break I guess" you lied. The truth was you were extremely worried. The whole weight of everything just seemed to crash down on you at once when you realized you only had one month left until the debut. You couldn't afford to mess anything up. It was like this was your last chance to prove that everything you had done was not a waste of time.

"I hope this break helps because we won't get any more until-"

MiJu was cut off by Jhope yelling something about a snack break. He walked or should I say pranced through the door and was followed by the rest of the guys.

"We brought you guys granola bars so you can refuel on all the energy you guys lost dancing." Jungkook announced looking around our dance room as if he had never been in one before.

"Yeah it was yoongi's idea. He said he just wanted to see y/-"

"How your dance was coming along. I wanted to see how you guys were doing since your debut it not too far along." Suga interrupted jungkook.

This guy totally came to just check on me. You moved your eyes towards yoongi's only to find him already staring at you.

He walked towards you with a granola bar and handed it to you

"You can't faint in the middle of practice."

You thanked him and looked down at the granola bar wondering if you should eat it or not. Mrs. Oh's words about losing seven pounds before the debut suddenly floated into mind and you were hesitant to open it.

"I can't eat anything other than what Mrs Oh has planned for me today" you looked at yoongi apologetically.

"Then at least eat half ok. I'll eat the other half for you."

"But what if Mrs Oh finds out?"

"Don't worry we took care of that before we came."

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