Part 13

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Yoongi pov

There she goes. Yoongi watched as y/n ran away with a face full of tears.

Eunsol yelled for her to come back and was about to follow her out but you stopped her in her tracks. Without saying anything you gave Eunsol a look that said "I'll go".

You thought you were going to have to search the whole city all night, but lucky for you she only got as far as a block away and was crouched over in an alley with a couple of dumpsters.

Y/n flinched when she heard your footsteps and looked up.
You felt the sudden urge to hug her and before you knew it you pressed her head against your chest and she started crying even more.
"You were the last person I wanted to see right now. Don't look at me im ugly"
"That's okay you're always ugly" you joked
You heard her let out what sounded like a laugh in between her sobs.

"Are you mad that I stopped you from hitting her? You could hit me if you want."
You stood up, stretched out your arms and scrunched up your face bracing yourself for when she would take you up on your generous offer.
To your surprise y/n didn't start swinging at you. Instead she started laughing.
You peeked open an eye and saw her face lit up with laughter.
"Bahaaahah!! Don't tell me I'm ugly. Ugly. You should have seen your face all scrunched up like that. You looked like a damn prune." Y/n was squatting holding her stomach in one hand while the other was pointed straight at you while she laughed.
You laughed at the whole situation overall. Here you both were in a dark smelly alley with some garbage cans arguing who was uglier.

"If comparing me to prunes makes you feel better than I'm all for it y/n"
You noticed her laughter die down and her eyes fall to the ground.
"Hey yoongi I really blew it today huh? I practiced really hard for the debut and yet I still messed up. Maybe Im not meant for this kind of thing."
You gave a deep sigh before replying.
"Look y/n this is just the beginning of a new beginning. You are going to have more chances. Humans aren't safe from failure. We are always going to fail in life. What's important is that you always get back up and try again and never lose sight of your dream. You put a hand on her head and ruffled her hair in a playful way.
Y/n nodded and looked up.
"Come on let's get out of here."

You took her hand and began to leave, but a strange beast noise stopped you in your tracks.
You noticed y/n's eyes widen and her face redden.
"Sorry I've been starving for like a month."
"No problem we could maybe get something before I take you back."

I put on a mask and the bucket hat that I stole from Jhope and stopped by the nearest convenience store. Not wanting anybody to recognize me I quickly grabbed the closest instant ramens, made them, paid for them, and went to sit with y/n outside.

"Sorry it's not anything fancy. I didn't want to much attention on us." You looked down at your chopsticks embarrassed.
You expected her to wave her hands at you saying " no no it's okay I'm already so grateful!" But to your surprise she was chuckling and looking down at her phone.
"Hey are you even listening to me?!"
She smiled up at you and shoved her phone in your face.
There on the screen was

There on the screen was

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"It's you proongi"

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