Part 5

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You got a text and read the message out loud a couple of times because you couldn't believe that he was actually texting you saying he wanted to get some food. 'Maybe Bang PD put him up to this since it's not like Suga would actually go out of his way to care at all.
Wait how did he get my number? I don't remember- girl who cares it's suga we are talking about!

When you agreed to be ready in five you hadn't taken into consideration that you hadn't showered since yesterday before you turned into an emotional mess. You panicked when you saw your smeared eyeliner and stained jeans with some sort of grease stain on them. To make things worse your hair was tangled so that it looked like a jungseagull nest.

A/N: do seagulls even make nests ??idk since I've never actually seen a seagull nest before so

After taking the fastest shower of your life you dried yourself with a towel and reached for your shirt that you were supposed to leave inside of the restroom with you but forgot. Trying not to waste anymore precious time you hastily wrapped the towel around you and stepped out of the bathroom to go finish getting ready.

Yoongi pov
It's been 15 minutes that I've been waiting out here in front of the dorms but she hasn't come out or replied to my texts or calls. Is she ok?
Finally making up my mind I walked straight up to the door and knocked. I tried twisting the handle wondering if it might be open. To my surprise it was unlocked so I walked in. Tch what kind of idiot leaves the door unlocked.  When I stepped inside I stumbled over somebody's shoes and crashed into a nearby table which had a vase on it. Luckily the vase didn't break because I pretty much saved it with my body.

Normal pov
Before I even got to get my bra on I heard a loud thump in the living room and started freaking out. First of all the rest of spark were with their families so there shouldn't be anybody here at the moment. Unless the place is haunted?!
You recalled how you saw videos of BigBang's dorm being supposedly haunted and thought about how the same could be happening to you. Deep breaths deep breaths ok. You took the heaviest thing around you which was the lamp by your new bed and cautiously followed the direction of the sound. When you went to the living room you saw an unfamiliar figure crawling on the ground and before you knew it the lamp was flying in that direction.

Yoongi pov
As I struggled to get back on my feet after I crashed into the vase I heard footsteps coming towards me and tried to speak up but before I even got to say anything An unidentified  flying object flew at me and hit the side of my head.

Yoongi: owww!!! What the fuck?!

Y/n: oh snap oh snap I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you suga!! I-I-I- just thought you were a rapist or a ghost or both so I just reacted I'm soooooo sorry! Here let me help you up.

Normal pov
I felt so horrible when I threw a lamp at suga so I helped him lay down on the couch and ran to the kitchen to check if there was at least some ice in the freezer to help his head. For once in my life I was in luck because there was an ice pack in the freezer waiting to be used. I did a little victory dance when I saw it.
Yoongi: mhm (clears throat ) should you really be doing that dance right now when you've injured someone's head

You jumped a little when you heard him speak up because you hadn't noticed him staring at you from the couch.

You: sorry I just got happy because they actually had an ice pack here.
No food but hey at least there's an ice pack right. Heh heh

You laughed awkwardly as he kept his icy glare on you clearly not sharing your amusement in finding the ice pack.

Taking a hint you ran over to where he was lying down and placed it to where you had struck him.

There was a silence between the two of you for about 3 minutes until you tried to lighten up the mood.

You: hey maybe now you'll be enlightened since you were hit with a lamp you know haha get it en- lightened because the lamp has light so-

You were cut off mid-sentence when he gave you a shut the hell up look.

Directing your attention to the ground since that was your way of escaping his eyes you apologized once more and asked a question.
You: wait how did you even get in here?
Yoongi: um your door was unlocked. What kind of idiot leaves their door unlocked especially a girl.
You: um excuse me I took care of you quite fine look at you now.
Yoongi: I was off guard at that time and on the ground already so that doesn't count.
You: well either way what kind of weirdo just comes in.
Yoongi: what kind of weirdo throws lamps at people with barely any clothes on
You: oh my gosh

You looked down and remembered that you didn't put on any clothes yet and just had a towel around you.
As soon as you saw this you ran to get dressed. When you came out suga was still on the couch but had his eyes closed. As you approached him you heard him snore lightly and kind of fangirled because you were literally in front of suga watching him sleep. Oh man if anybody didn't know any better they'd get the wrong idea and think I beat up suga and kidnapped him and watched him sleep for my enjoyment .

Wait a second I read once in an article that you shouldn't let anybody go to sleep right after getting hit in the head because they could die or something like that. I shook his shoulder really rough to try to wake him up but he wouldn't budge.
You tried a different method and lightly tapped his face but that didn't work either. Just as you were about to smack him a little harder he caught your arm in his hand and spoke up.
Yoongi: are you an anti or Something?? Why do you keep on trying to abuse me?
You: oh I guess I've messed up again huh ? I'm sorry I really am I just didn't want you to die
Yoongi: die? What ? No I'm fine sleep always helps me. But I am hungry. You see before you viciously attacked me with your furniture I was going to take us out but now I'll let you take care of it . You owe me that much right? Make me Something.
You: I don't have any food here though sorry
Yoongi: ok order some pizza
You: um well I would but I have no money

You heard suga take a deep sigh of annoyance and he took out his phone to call a pizza place.

A/N : OMG imagine if that was the lamp guys

A/N : OMG imagine if that was the lamp guys

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