Part 8

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"Mom people at school keep telling me I'm chubby and stupid for wanting to be a singer. They say I'll never become one and that doctors are way cooler" a concerned six year old you complained.

"Oh sweetie don't listen to them you are not chubby. And you can be anything you want to be I know you can. If you want to be a singer I'll support you. If you want to be a doctor I'll support you too" your mother responded while taking hold of your small chubby hand.

"And if you want to be a farmer I'll gladly let you in our business. Ok?"

You turned to where your dad who was sitting in his favorite chair when he mentioned you joining the family business.

"But dad I don't want to be a farmer I want to be a singer so I can make you proud" you said matter of factly facing your dad.

"I'll always be proud of you as long as you do the best you can do at any job" he stated.

"Ok then I promise that I'll make my dream come true no matter what happens" you said determined.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Wait why was there a knock? I don't remember-

When your mom opened the door an angry CEO of Elixir entertainment ran in and pushed you down on your butt.

"No I won't let you live your dream just quit while you're at it. This is as far as you'll get anyways" he mocked you as you looked up at him in tears.

"I can do it I'll show you. I'll show you all!" You cried out.

That's when you woke up.

You jolted straight up but when you did your head smashed into someone else's.

"Ow damn !"

Surprised at the unfamiliar voice and face, your eyes opened real wide at your realization. This must be one of the spark girls you thought.

"I'm so sorry! I was just startled that's all." You apologized.

"It's fine. I can tell you were bothered. I heard your from outside. You were yelling Something  about showing someone Something so I came in to check up on you. That and this is my room too" She explained.

"Oh I guess that explains why you were in here haha. Oh and the extra bed right next to mine hehe. I'm Y/n" You held out your hand and looked at her with a smile.

"Oh I know, we all know. Bang PD filled us in on what we missed out on this weekend. Why don't you get dressed so you can meet the other 2. Oh and by the way I'm Mi Ju haha somehow I forgot to mention that." She smiled with her eyes.

You pulled on a tank and and oversized hoodie to top it. You wore some denim shorts with the hoodie and it almost looked like you weren't wearing a bottom at all but you didn't really care. To top it off you wore your converse.

When you walked out of your room you  noticed two other girls sitting around the dining table.

"Hello I'm y/n I hope you'll accept me. I promise to work hard in Spark." You looked at them hoping that they wouldn't hate you for some reason.

You always had a problem with having people like you ever since you were a kid so this worried you. All your life people called you a weirdo and were too quick to make judgments about you.

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