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" What you mean you don't know who she is!? You said she looked familiar! "

" Baby, for the last time, I said I can't recall who she is! "

" How do you not recognize her!? "

" You know how many movies she was in? I only really know her from Big Momma's House, I don't stalk her films like that. "

Amani threw a handful of popcorn at Algee as they watched The Best Man, her eyes rolling as he couldn't name one of her many favorite actresses Nia Long.

" But yet you can name every single thing Sanaa Lathan was in. "

" Don't blame me, blame Love and Basketball for that. "

It's been two weeks since they officially finished moving everything into their new house, and they couple couldn't have been gladder to finally spend some time together. After settling in, Algee got promoted at his job to the chief financial officer while Amani was offered a spot at an art gallery to showcase one of her paintings. Throughout it all, they've been busier than ever but pulled through to have a few nights together.

As for Keith, he watched every over Algee made since knowing that they moved across from ' Dirty Diana ', and it's been too funny to not joke about. He'd see Algee try everything in the book to make sure Amani didn't go out the door as Diane was leaving or coming home. It had got to a point where he'd used every excuse there was in the book to not let them cross paths. Keith found it ridiculous, but somewhat impressive.

" So baby, what you wanna do tomorrow? "

Algee had his arms around his wife, his head in the crook of her neck as she rested against his chest. Amani grew quiet, her eyes lowering toward the bowl sitting between her legs.

" Do you even know what tomorrow is, Algee? "

" Yeah, girl. It's Wednesday, right? "

Amani bit her lip, shaking her head.

" No, like the exact date. "

" The 13th? I don't see what's so important about that. Unless tomorrow Friday and you tryna stay home and watch the Friday the 13th marathon that be coming on. "

Amani leaned over towards the coffee table and placed the bowl, getting up from her spot and going towards the kitchen.

" Wha- baby I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong? "

Algee had straightened his legs to the ends of the couch, thinking to himself.

" Can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Keith was here to tell me. "

Recently for the past three days, Keith has been absent for most of the day, but today, he was nowhere to be found. Algee had somewhat grew used to seeing him popping up and scaring the shit out of him, and was glad he was there to help out with his problems. He figured that maybe when Keith tripped Diane yesterday when she was carrying groceries into her house that God had sent him back.

" Damn. "

Algee was now standing up, grabbing the remote and turning off the tv. When he turned around, the coat closet door was open and white smoke was coming out of it.

GUARDIAN ANGEL » A. SMITH & K. POWERSWhere stories live. Discover now