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"Seen it ... seen it ... seen it ... trash ... too many sequels ... straight booty ... damn! They ain't got no good movies." Keith rummaged through the stash of DVD's that were collected and put underneath the living room TV stand, a heavy sigh of annoyance being huffed out.

Today Keith had decided to give Algee a tiny break since he had a big meeting to attend to at work. This meant that he was bored as hell, and he was getting tired of roasting Algee's baby pictures so he had to result to something else. Amani came through once when nobody was here to take back the baby stuff she had brought and only left a few outfits and the walker because that baby was gonna need all the help they can get. He overheard her saying to herself that she should get somebody to rob they shit and sell it, but then she looked up at God and thought about her family, so she had to text Dlo back before he pulled up in their cleaning service van. Nothing was funnier than when she started throwing both Algee and Diane's clothes into the pool, stealing their milk and cereal then bouncing. He was joked out for at least a good hour.

Then Elijah, Woody, and Bryshere came over to hang with Algee but remembered that he had work. So instead of being regular ass people and leaving, they hopped the fence and chilled in his pool before leaving when the old white lady next door threatened to call the police. Luke drove by too, but only to drop off an envelope in the mailbox. The Angel was about to go back to heaven to hang but then in came Diane yelling into the phone, and out of all the shopping bags she could've brought in, they were all Victoria Secrets. Yet, one of her hands held the package Luke left her.

"Here comes this fucking rodent." He mumbled to himself, leaving the DVD's out and sitting down on the couch.

"Bitch tell me why some Michael Blackson looking motherfucker tried to talk to me today!? Like I'm a goddamn 10 and you're a fucking -90, go fool with some bum hoe." Diane laughed while switching the phone on her shoulder as she dropped her bags near the couch, going straight toward the fridge. "And he tried to act like nobody caught his dirty ass going through the trash can and getting a fucking folder out there. Dusty niggas."

"I know this Cynthia from Rugrats hoe ain't driving nobody." Keith perked up and turned around so he can get a good look at her, and hear the conversation even more.

"I cannot wait til I have this baby," She rolled her eyes, pulling out the peanut butter and the celery sticks.

"Watch that baby gone come out looking like Sloth from the Goonies." Keith chuckled, shaking his head.

He could tell that the person on the other end of the phone started going off, because Diane moved the phone from her ear and started talking shit, then placed it back.

"Would you chill out!? I got your payment right here, damn. Luke gave it to me," She laughed then stopped, her lips turned up in a mean mug. "No, he don't know what it's for. You think he'd be giving me money if I told him what I was going to do with it? Dumbass. I lied and said Imma spend it on the baby."

"Now what kind of tea can this buffoon possibly have?" Getting up from his spot, Keith moved into the kitchen and sat down on the breakfast bar stool, his head held up by his hands as his elbows rested against the gray marble countertop.

Keith watched as Diane patted the package like it was a drum, her grin growing into a huge smile.

"I got everything you need right here. But you make one more fucking mistake and Imma have to cut yo ass up." Diane waited for the person's response, smacking her lips in the process. "Do you not remember the nightclub?! You fucking shot Charles, not him!"

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