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" I love you! You know I love you. "

" No, you don't! If you did you wouldn't have done this to me, to our marriage. "

" I said that I'm sorry! I know I messed up but you have to believe me when I say I always thought of how much I would hurt you when I did what I did. "

" Did you really? I can't tell since you got the girl pregnant! "

" Let me make this right. Let me prove to you that I'm still the guy you married. "

" I can't do that to myself anymore. I ignored every sign that pointed to this but I never wanted to think that for a second I wasn't good enough for you. "

" You were, you still are. Baby please- "

" I want a divorce. "

" Wait, let me do something about this- "

" I'm sorry. I just can't. You had the opportunity to love me and just me, but you decided to be greedy. I'm done. "

" Don't leave me, please. Baby, please! "

" They're arguing again? This is the fourth time this week. "

Woody shook his head as he handed the beer can to Elijah, who was currently whooping Algee's ass in a game of Rainbow Siege.

" Sound like his girl finally came to her senses. "

Elijah chuckled at his own words, not noticing how tense Algee got.

" Right? I would've left his ass too if I was in her position. "

" Can we not talk about this right now?! "

Algee blurted out, shaking his head while passing the game and throwing down the controller. Elijah sighed, knowing that this was really getting to him but Woody and Bryshere, who was too busy on the phone to pay attention to the neighbors, were left clueless.

" Damn. You aight, man? "

Bryshere put his phone in his back pocket as he approached the couch, wanting to help out. Though he didn't really want to, he still felt obligated to since he was Amani's husband.

Algee shook his head, coming to his senses before laughing, shrugging his shoulders.

" Y-Yeah, I'm good, man. Yeah, yeah I'm really good. As a matter of fact, I ain't even bothered by it no more. "

" You sure? Cause it sounds like something's going on with you and Mani. "

Woody questioned, biting into his burger as he plopped down in the chair next to the far right side of the couch.

" Nah, we good. "

" I wouldn't say all that. "

Out of nowhere, here comes Petty Powers himself. The angel was sat on the kitchen counter in the background, arms crossed as he smirked. Algee wanted to curse him out, but if he turned around and started yelling at a Burger King bag, he would've looked out of his mind.

GUARDIAN ANGEL » A. SMITH & K. POWERSWhere stories live. Discover now