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Hey, this is Amani. Sorry that I ain't picking up right now.
Leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Aye babygirl! It's Luke again ... I know I said I'll stop trying to get in contact with you but I just ... really miss the sound of your voice. What you saw the other day was me defending you. I hope you understand that. Call me when you get the chance to. Please.
Message deleted.

Good morning princess. Just calling to check up on you as usual. Really wish you call me back soon ... anyway, Darnell invited you to the family cookout. He hopes you can make it. Call me back.
Message deleted.

I fucked up, a'ight? I know that. And it's hurting me to know that I hurt you. Just come to the cookout and we can talk things over. I promise if you still wanna cut me off, then I'll let you. Seeing you right now will be the highlight of my entire week.

Amani's lips were twisted to the side in consideration as her thumb hovered over the red DELETE button. This man blew up her phone three times a day, every day of the week. In the back of her mind, she figured that the only reason why he was contacting her so much was that she would be a key witness in his and Algee's trial just in case Algee wanted to press charges. His efforts to speak with her seemed more than just a favor, it went way past that. Tossing her phone to the side, she leaned back on the edge of her bed as she stared ahead at the mirror leaning against the wall. Her reflection showed a woman who was tired of being used, played, and getting hurt by the people she gave her all to. The tiny bags under her eyes were the results of when she constantly tossed and turned in bed for weeks now as she thought about Keith's death since her ex resurfaced the memory of it. Her brain gave her the idea that they are appropriate to have, in order to tell her that you risked his life for someone who didn't give a damn about yours.

Blowing air out through her nose, she found herself getting up and slowly leaned the mirror forward, turning it around and placing it gently back on the wall, except facing away from her. She needed no reminder of him, even if that meant not looking at herself. Left hand going on her hip as her right pinched the bridge of her nose, head partially tilted forward before jerking it back up, looking around the room as if there was something there to keep her from breaking. The room's quiet atmosphere soon changed once her phone went off, Cupcakke's song DEEPTHROAT blasting only meant that Precious was hitting her line up.


"Whaddup my mini bad bitch?" Precious responded back, the crunching sound on the other end making Amani pull the phone away from her ear a little before responding.

"Hey, Precious. I'm chillin as usual," She gently switched shoulders while exiting her tiny bedroom, going down the small corridor to get to the bathroom. "What yo weird ass up to?"

"I'm getting dressed for work." The sound of ruffling fabric and a squeaking bedspring sounded through the speaker as Amani turned on the hot water.

"Thought you didn't have to work til noon." She assumed, putting the toothpaste on her toothbrush and running it under the now steaming water.

"I got a new job at iHop. They want me to start early to get used to everything quicker," The girl on the other end paused before speaking up once more. "They got an opening if you wanna apply for it. I know you need another job and Burger King ain't doing you that much justice."

GUARDIAN ANGEL » A. SMITH & K. POWERSWhere stories live. Discover now