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Men cheered and whistled behind Amani as she exited the stage, her smile wide as it could have ever been. Hundreds filled her top and bottom, which was expected when your boss sets up an exclusive dance for his rich friends who always left good impressions. Luke wanted nothing but for Amani to have the greatest experience working here, and from the way she was counting the money that was poking out of her clothing, he could tell that she was enjoying this.

" You were amazing up there, princess. "

Amani glanced up at look, holding up a finger as she was still counting.

" 3,600, 3,700, 3,800-"

" You a baller now, huh? "

Luke grinned hearing her laugh, it sounding like music to his ears. Her head lifted up, her dimples showing. He thought she was beautiful, something straight out of a magazine or his dreams.

" I forgot what it was like to dance like that. "

" I see you ain't forget about the money though. "

" How could I? "

Darnell approached the two backstage as he held the wooden basket filled with the money that was scattered across the floor from when Amani was previously dancing.

" Here's your profits, Mrs. "

" Thank you, D. "

Amani happily reached for her cash, her head being thrown back in joy.

" I feel like I'm on top of the world! "

Luke laughed, his smile never leaving his face. It was crazy how much seeing her happy made him happy. Since their first encounter, the only thing that was really on his mind was his money, business, and her. The beauty melanin woman just couldn't leave his mind, and he didn't want her to.

" You were amazing up there! "

" E! You made it! "

Amani put down the basket and ran towards Elijah, giving him a tight bear hug.

" What about me? "

She turned towards Woody and laughed, hugging him as well.

" Well damn, I got you the job and never got a hug. "

Luke fake pouted towards her and crossed his arms, Amani playfully rolling her eyes as she strutted over and gave him a tight hug as well.

" Thank you, big man. "

" You're welcome, sweetheart. "

Amani grinned and tried pulling away but his grip got a bit tighter. Quickly taking notice, Elijah cleared his throat and Luke let go, Amani checked him before getting her money and walking to her private dressing room. Once closing the door, Woody looked at him with a crazy expression.

" You done lost yo mind, man. "

" It ain't my fault she built like a goddess. "

GUARDIAN ANGEL » A. SMITH & K. POWERSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora