Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Jasmine may not have completely understood why I was so terrified that it was finally my birthday, but she did understand one thing: how to throw an amazing party.

I can't help the small smile that spreads across my lips as I gaze about my surroundings in enchantment. Even though I'd never mentioned it to her, Jasmine had someone managed to throw the perfect party for me; a bonfire, on the beach, surrounded by the people I cared about. I could see Ria, Josh and Alex, a few other supers I'd gotten to know a little more over the past couple of months; even Spencer and Kenzie were here (although, from the way Kenzie was berating for Spencer, I suspected they weren't going to remain for much longer). And if there weren't so many people, or such loud music reverberating through the otherwise serene Autumn night, the party would be just about flawless.

"So? Whaddya think?" Jasmine asks me, grinning as she twirls around with her arms held out wide. "Did I do good, or did I do good?"

"You did... alright." I reply neutrally, refusing to stroke her ego. Jasmine rolls her eyes.

"Girl, I did good and you know it." She retorts, tossing her hair over her shoulder with and overly dramatic pose. "And hey, added bonus; I told everyone not to bring presents, so there are no presents in sight; killer or friendly" She beams happily at me and winks. "So I guess your blackmailer hasn't delivered their 'killer present' like they promised."

My smile diminishes somewhat. "It's only the beginning of the night, Jas. Anything could happen."

"You're absolutely right; anything could happen! Like the birthday girl indulging in a little fun for once in her life. Fun who's name rhymes with cleric, am I right?" She wriggles her eyebrows, siddling up to me.

"Stop." I groan, squeezing my eyes shut in mortification and covering my face with my hand to muffle my laugh. "Or I will turn invisible and leave right this instant."

"That sounds awfully like an empty threat, my dear Elliana. We both know that you wouldn't do that." She teases, linking her arm through mine and dragging me after her. Giggling, I open my eyes just in time to see her throw her free hand up in the air and announce, "The birthday girl is here!"

The whole area abruptly descends into complete silence, and all the party-goers turn to shout simultaneously, "Happy birthday Ellie!"

I blush so hard that I'm surprised my face doesn't spontaneously burst into flame.

"I am so not happy." I mumble under my breath.

"Liar." Jasmine laughs. She tightens her hold on me though, an action which I find bizarrely hilarious. I guess she does know me well after all. "Come on birthday girl, it's time to get your partying boots on!"

"Do I have to?" I say dryly as she drags me over to a wooden table overflowing with what looks like hundreds of different types of drink; all of which are alcoholic, I have no doubt. "I would much rather sit on the edge of the beach in silence and just watch the waves."

"Who are you, my mother?" Jasmine scoffs, shaking her head. She grabs a couple of plastic red cups and pours one of the drinks into them. I eye the bright green colour of the drink dubiously. Okay, I'm ninety-nine percent sure that nothing that colour is ever healthy. "No, you're partying and you're going to have a good time, because I know if I leave you alone for more than a minute you'll go back to stressing about the-subject-we-must-not-name."

"'The-subject-we-must-not-name'?" I echo. "You mean the prophecy? The one that could bring about the end of the supernatural world as-"

"Ah duh duh!" She shoves her hand over my mouth, giving me a hard look. "What did I just say? No speaking of those words! No discussing of the-subject-we-must-not-name! You're not even allowed to think about thinking about it! I told you I would whoop your ass if you did any of those things, and I was not kidding!"

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