New Book Hints

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So, as you wait for news on my new book, I thought I'd give you a few more hints on what/who it's about. I'd love to hear your guesses!

As of right now, you know the main character is one of the characters in here, but you have no idea what it will be titled. For a clue, I'll tell you that it's going to go with the title of this book. The first word in the title will be "Finding". Can you finish the title?

Also, who it's about is a pretty important character in this book. The book will take place after Finding Me, and it will follow this character's journey. The book is about one of the female characters in this book.

If anyone has a desire to make a cover for this book or my new one, I will definitely make sure people see it :). It might not be the main cover, but I've seen books with chapters of book covers that people have made, and I like that idea. I'd love to try it out if I ever get enough readers who like to do that sort of thing.

Also, don't forget I'm so appreciative when people comment and tell me I have a typo or something else like that! If you see a mistake, please let me know so that I can fix it and make my book as great as possible!

Thank you for all your support in this book, and I can't wait to share my new book with all of you! As soon as I have my cover, I will be able to share everything with you!

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