The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)

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Chapter 1: One Thousand Cranes

A/N: Greetings all. I've been thinking about doing this story for ages, and I'm very excited about it. I'm glad to have you guys reading it, especially those loyal readers who have been following me since the beginning! I adore you all. Anyway, this is the first story of mine that I will be posting on two sites - fanfiction and Single Spark. This is just a note to tell you that the versions will be identical unless I say otherwise. Okay! Let's get to it, shall we?

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 1: One Thousand Cranes

She took out a new sheet of paper and turned towards the fox kit. The foil glittered in the firelight, flame upon sapphire blue. Placing it down on her book, she smiled. "Okay, let me show you how to do it, Shippo. It's really simple." She folded it so that the diagonal corners met and creased it with a practiced hand. "And now the other way."

The fox watched with a steady green gaze. "Hey Sango, do you know how to do this?" he asked, keeping his eyes on what Kagome was doing.

The taijiya smiled and shook her head. "No, but I have seen Kagome do it before."

"Come on, Shippo." Kagome pulled out another sheet of paper, a golden one this time. "Just follow my lead."

The kitsune carefully lined up the edges and mimicked the miko's folds. "Why do people do this, Kagome?"

"Well, they say that the gods will grant a wish to anyone that makes one thousand paper cranes."

"Wow. Maybe I should try." He looked down at the paper in his hands with a new reverence.

Miroku leaned back against a tree trunk across the fire. "What would you wish for, Shippo?"

The fox sat in silence for a few moments, a pensive look upon his face. "I would wish for you to stay with us forever, Kagome!" he said finally, looking up at his adoptive mother.

The miko smiled and embraced the kit, the cranes lying half-folded between them. "That's so sweet, Shippo! Thank you."

Miroku turned to the demon slayer. "What would you wish for, my dearest Sango?"

She sighed and picked up Hiraikotsu, weighing it in her hands. "Why do you want to know?"

"He just wants to see if it's about him," teased Kagome. She smiled at the taijiya. "Is it?"

Color darkened her cheeks. "No, of course not. I would wish for Naraku's death and the completion of the Jewel."

"Which would free me from the wind tunnel and allow me to marry you," said Miroku. He chuckled at her stricken expression. "Ah, Sango, all of your roads lead to me."

The demon slayer's blush deepened. "What would you wish for, Kagome?" she asked, as she kept a menacing eye upon the monk.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I would wish for?"

"No!" the girls replied in unison. When the monk pouted, Kagome shook her head with a sardonic smile gracing her features. "I think we all know what you would wish for, Miroku. We have children present!"

"One child."

The fox kit's tail twitched. "Yeah, and even I know your answer!" he cried. "Don't say it!" Kirara mewed her agreement as she sat beside Sango.

Kagome laughed at the downtrodden monk. "Sorry, Miroku. I think you're outnumbered on this one."

"So Kagome, what would be your wish?" Sango asked again.

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