Chapter 28: The Garden's Fruit

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Chapter 28: The Garden's Fruit

A/N: Okaaaaaay. Well, I have two items of news that definitely fall within the 'bad' category and one that falls within the 'great' category. Personally, I like my bad news first so, here it is:

First, I know that a lot of you were expecting this chapter WAY earlier than this. I wish I could have accommodated that, but unfortunately my computer went kaput. Well, actually the hard drive did, which meant that I lost the first (nearly complete) version of this chapter. I also lost my outline of this entire story (thank goodness I know it by heart). There's a good news element to even this though - from now on, I'll be the queen of backing up my files so this doesn't happen again. Live and learn, I suppose.

Second, SingleSpark is shutting down. I know that a lot of you knew this already, but for those of you that didn't - there ya go, now you do. It will be in read-only mode in a couple months. This story should be long done by that point (barring any other mysterious computer plus brand new external hard drive failures) but obviously, I won't be posting any more stories on that site. There's a new Sess/Kag site that's gone up to replace SingleSpark called Dokuga but I'm not going to immediately start posting there. We'll see what happens. I will, of course, continue to post on deviantART and FFN.

However, the GREAT news is that SingleSpark still held their yearly awards, the votes for the 2007 awards are in and this fic almost swept the categories it was nominated for!

First Place - Best AU
First Place - Best Romance/Fluff/WAFF
Second Place - Best Action/Adventure
First Place - Best Kagome Portrayal
First Place - Best Sesshoumaru Portrayal
First Place - Best Overall Fanfic (!)

This is AMAZING, especially considering the wonderful stories this fic was up against (good Lord, the stories it was up against! I'm flattered and humbled that I'm in that sort of company!). Thank you so, so, SO much!

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 28: The Garden's Fruit

Her fingers wrapped around his wrist, holding him close to her as her eyes slowly took in the familiar figure. She had known who it was the moment he had touched her and yet her gaze could not move up beyond the red hexagonal pattern on his collar. She had been so eager to see him again, and yet, she realized now that she was also terrified. As she paused, his grip tightened around her own wrist, his claws pressing into her skin.

"Kagome! How good to see you again!" The feminine voice broke his hold and he released her as the witch appeared at Kagome's side. She smiled gently as the miko turned. "I suppose it has only been a short time for you though, since you seem to have solved our little Time and Fate problem."

"Uh yes," murmured Kagome, bowing clumsily. "It's always nice to see you, Lady Hoshiko."

The witch stepped closer and took the miko's arm, steering her back out of the cave. "And you've brought friends this time. I would be honored to receive an introduction."

"Oh, of course," Kagome replied softly. She gestured to each of her companions in turn. "This is Inuyasha, Koga, Kikyo, Sango, Miroku, Kohaku, Shippo and Kirara. Everyone, this is Lady Hoshiko. She's the one that told me how to get back here."

Inuyasha's golden eyes widened as the witch moved towards him. "Inuyasha, it is wonderful to meet you at last. Everyone on this island owes you their thanks for defeating Naraku." She bowed her own head as the hanyou swallowed, his eyes becoming the size of dinner plates. "So, thank you from this one humble inhabitant. Thank you to all of you," she added, looking over the others.

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now