Chapter 3: The Priestess

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Chapter 3: The Priestess

Someone was poking her in the ribs. She groaned and turned over. "Go away, Sota," she muttered, the words slurred beyond human comprehension.

The poking continued and she slapped at it. Whatever it was withdrew.

"Get up, woman!" hissed a voice.

Kagome's eyes opened and the soft sunlight of the early morning greeted her gaze. "Ugh, Sesshoumaru?" she murmured, turning back over. The blanket was twisted around her legs and she yawned. "What's up?" she asked sleepily, kicking off the blankets. She had slept in flannel pajama pants, thank Kami. The cold morning air struck with a vengeance where her shirt had ridden up at her midriff. She tugged it down and gazed at the youkai. He was standing quite close, with his sword drawn and suddenly, Kagome was very much awake.

The miko looked around. The clearing was quiet and no creature stood at the other side of the stream, where Sesshoumaru's gaze was fixed. She knew enough of demon senses though, and she went very still. "What's out there?"

"The danger you spoke of last night," he whispered.

She stood up as slowly and quietly as possible. She couldn't help it if she died in her pajamas, but she would be damned if she died sitting on her rear. Wishing once again for her bow, she brushed her hair back behind her ears and prepared for any assault.

"What is it?"

"A demon I have met before," he replied, a twinge of anger in his voice.

Kagome felt a cold fist around her heart as the aura of powerful demon approached. She drew back slightly, looking at Sesshoumaru. His face was drawn into a deep scowl and his claws tightened around the hilt of his sword. Suddenly, Kagome remembered that this Sesshoumaru had three hundred years' less experience in battle than the Sesshoumaru she knew. She had always viewed him as a ruthless, exacting killer. No one could watch him fight and not appreciate the pure fluidity of Sesshoumaru's attacks. He was effortless. This Sesshoumaru already banished the collected taiyoukai of the future from her mind. His eyes were a little too wide and his breath a little too fast and he looked so young.

He's not much older than Inuyasha, she realized. And no matter how many times he had mocked his little brother's technique in battle, he had to have been at the same level at one point in his own life. Kagome shivered.

A beast appeared at the other side of the stream, not disturbing a leaf. If Kagome had blinked, she would have thought he had teleported to the embankment. It was a massive wolf with matted black fur and blue eyes, such a pale blue that they looked dead. It had intelligence in the dead eyes though. Kagome could see that in the way its gaze flickered over their makeshift camp and landed upon her as she stood beside the yellow bag.

It took a few steps forward with paws the size of dinner plates and raised its head, its glare shifting to the taiyoukai. "Lord Sesshoumaru..." it hissed. Kagome could see that it had just eaten breakfast, because blood dripped from its jaw as it spoke. "What an honor to meet you."

"Imagine the honor you will have dying by my hand," said the taiyoukai, holding up his thin blade. The early morning sun reflected off of the paper-thin edge.

The wolf made a barking noise that Kagome recognized as laughter. "The last time you fought one of my kind, you barely left the field alive."

Kagome's eyes widened, but Sesshoumaru lifted his chin. "I have improved greatly. Test me, if you wish."

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now