Chapter 26: Blood Blossom

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Chapter 26: Blood Blossom

A/N: WOW! There has been a small explosion of fan art for this story! I love it and all of you who do such beautiful work! My readers are the best! Here are the links to all the gorgeous art (remember to take out all the spaces first because FFN doesn't allow linking):

"The Once and Future Taiyoukai" by Youkai Yume – art/ The-Once-and-Future-Taiyoukai-78792060

"Kagome" by bottledart101 – art/ Kagome-for-RosieB-s-ff-78954926

"Taiyoukai Love" by BornATiger-chan – art/ Taiyoukai-Love-79140970

"Owarinai Yume" by SesshyLovesMySinging – art/ Owarinai-Yume-SessKag-79499205

"Black and Silver" by Livewire07 – art/ Black-and-Silver-79597376

It's all so fabulous, isn't it? This story is practically a collaborative work with all this brilliant art!

If anyone has done something else on deviantART (or anywhere else!) for my stories I want to know! I have an account on dA now where you can find all these pictures favorited and where you can message me, although email, IM or reviews work just as well. I'm ReplicantAngel on the site (because someone else is already RosieB) and here's the link: http/

Kisses to all you artists out there!

As an additional but unrelated note before beginning this chapter, I was surprised to find that several people thought that chapter 25 was the final chapter. I scratched my head at that one. There was hardly finality to it. (When I said "the end" in the author's note, I was referring to the end of the chapter, not the end of the story.) Hmm. Well, I just wanted to assure everyone that I'm not into ambiguous endings. Believe me, when something is done, you'll know it! Okay? Fabulous. Cheers!

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 26: Blood Blossom

The hanyou stepped into the field and surveyed the damage. Trees were flattened like blades of grass underfoot and blood dripped audibly from the few that still stood. Bodies of demons were strewn everywhere, split in half and showing their innards to the winter sun. The snow that had fallen earlier that morning was slush now, mixed with hot blood and colored pinkish brown.

It would all be acceptable – he would in fact revel in such destruction – if not for the fact that the scene only reminded him of his failure. For across the clearing, surrounded by the few survivors of his army, Inuyasha and his friends were safely ensconced in a dome of pink light.

But Kikyo would soon weaken, Naraku mused. Her barrier couldn't stand forever and once it fell, they would be defenseless. They were all injured in one form or fashion, after all. It should be easy once the purifying barrier was broken.

And yet, Inuyasha and his companions had a demonstrated talent for escaping such seemingly inescapable traps. The monk in particular – Naraku had lost count of how many times he had taken his poisonous insects into the Wind Tunnel and yet the houshi lived and would probably live again, if given the chance. At the moment, the hanyou could smell the traces of fever the saimyoushou had inflicted upon the monk.

The taijiya too, frequently escaped his grasp now that he thought upon it. She had once, after all, been his own minion – he knew how quickly the demon slayer's loyalties could change.

And nothing compared to the number of times Inuyasha had defeated his carefully laid plans or the numerous occasions Kikyo had simply ignored his seductions.

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now