Chapter 25: The Apple

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Chapter 25: The Apple

A/N: Thank you to everyone that has been waiting patiently as I went through exams. While I was fretting and sweating, two readers posted some gorgeous work on Deviant Art inspired by this story. They're both so wonderful and I'm so flattered and amazed that anyone would create such beautiful pictures for my story and my other readers! Go check them out here (remove the spaces or the links won't work):

"Taiyoukai of Mine" by Youkai Yume – youkaiyume. deviantart art/ SessKag-Taiyoukai-of-Mine-77895562

"Caught Between Times" by LazyJenny – lazyjenny. deviantart art/ Caught-between-times-78424891

Thanks so much, you two. :D

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 25: The Apple

When they reached Sesshoumaru's camp – after a dangerously rapid and frigid run through the snow – they found nothing but a pleased child, a fawning imp and implacable dragon. Kagome slid off of the taiyoukai's back and let out a sigh of relief.

"Lord Sesshoumaru! Kagome-san!" Rin greeted them, jumping to her feet.

"Hello, Rin-chan," replied the miko. "How are you?"

"Wonderful, Kagome-san. I'm so pleased to see you again. How is Shippo? And everyone else? I didn't get to speak to any of them when we saw you last week."

Kagome let out a breath – it had felt like far more than a week had passed since their last meeting. "Shippo is great. He's growing up fast, just like you. Look at how tall you've become!" Kagome gushed. "You're almost as tall as me already."

"Jaken-sama says I'm too tall," Rin said, still smiling but the joyous light in her eyes dimming a bit. Kagome saw that she had hit upon a sore spot and cursed mentally. The tall girls in the class were always picked on at her school.

The miko shot the imp a dangerous glance and looked back at the young girl. "No, you're not too tall. You're going to be beautiful, Rin-chan. All the boys will line up to see you."

"Sesshoumaru-sama won't like that much," giggled the pre-teen.

Kagome smiled. "No, I bet he won't," she agreed. She watched as the taiyoukai began to stalk around the perimeter of the camp with his nose quivering like a bloodhound. "Rin, have you seen or heard anything unusual this morning?"

"She certainly has not," Jaken huffed, irritated at being ignored by two human females. "And I would thank you, foolish human, to keep silent and allow my lord to ask the questions!"

"The priestess arrived with me, Jaken," snapped the taiyoukai, breaking away from his intense study of the clearing for just a moment. "She may ask whatever she wishes and address whomever she wishes."

Jaken swallowed. "Of course, my lord," he stammered, eyeing the way Kagome wore his lord's furs draped over her shoulders. "But, with no disrespect intended, was there something that you – and the miko – were looking for, my lord?"

The taiyoukai frowned. "Naraku is moving against us." He sniffed the air delicately and the frown deepened.

"Surely he would not dare to fight you once again, Lord Sesshoumaru!" Jaken chirped. "Not when he has had such crippling losses in the past!"

"I do not expect prudence from one such as him," replied the dog demon.

"But nothing's coming now," Kagome said. "And even if something was, we should still leave, just like you ordered Koga to do. Inuyasha needs us all."

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now