Chapter 22: Fracture

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Chapter 22: Fracture

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 22: Fracture

She had only whispered his name, but it was enough. Kagome took in a quick breath as the memories flooded back in a jumble of images both terrifying and fantastic.

Across the clearing, Sesshoumaru's form sharpened and came into focus. He was leaning against Ah-Un's flank, his single hand raised to his forehead and his back to them. Jaken and Rin were fluttering around him, begging him to speak.

Before she could catch her breath, Sango was at her side. "Kagome? Are you alright?"

Kagome took a moment before she looked up at her friends. The fog was lifting. "Yeah, I am. Finally."

"What just happened?" Sango asked.

Kagome smiled and looked at Kikyo. "You reminded me. I didn't know – I didn't remember – what I was supposed to do, but then you said his name! Thank you. I..." She trailed off and the smile dropped away. "Wait a minute..."


They all turned at the sound of Sesshoumaru's voice. He was standing straight again, gazing at the girl. She stepped forward, breaking away from Sango and forgetting about Kikyo. "Sesshoumaru."

Inuyasha looked between them as they stared at one another. "What the hell is going on?" he demanded. "What just happened, Kagome? Kagome?"

The taiyoukai's face twisted. "Kagome... No, it could not be you!" he hissed.

Kagome swallowed. "Yes, it was," she replied, her voice hard. "You know it was me."

"You what? When was it you?" Inuyasha interjected.

Kagome looked over to her friends, each one staring back with confusion and concern, expressions she had seen often over the past days. "It was a long time ago," she murmured.

"So long ago that it is impossible. You are just a human," Sesshoumaru growled.

"The well lets me travel through time," she murmured, her eyes moving back to him. "I normally travel between this time and my time, five hundred years in the future. Something went wrong and I went back farther than I should have. I met you, three hundred years ago. Then I came back. I had to."

He could only look at her. It was true that she had frequently disappeared over the last four years and he had seen her hovering about the well, but he had only seen her jump into it once, a few weeks prior. But she was the mirror image of the girl he remembered, the one that he had traveled with so long ago and who he had just recalled for the first time. But still, he refused to believe the obnoxious female that followed his brother could be the same as his Kagome. He shook his head. "No," he said simply, turning away.

She was ready for his disbelief. She dropped her bag to the ground with a heavy thud and dove into it. "Wait," she said, before he could escape to the trees. "I can prove it to you."

He looked back over his shoulder for curiosity's sake only as she pulled out a small bundle of silk from a suddenly familiar yellow bag. Kagome folded the fabric back quickly and deftly, pulling something golden and shining from it.

She held the golden comb aloft and watched his eyes widen. "I know you saw me wearing it," she said. "The wolves died that night and you were angry with me, but I saw you looking at me. Your father gave it to me. It was your mother's, wasn't it?"

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now