Chapter 12: Family Tradition

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Chapter 12: Family Tradition

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 12: Family Tradition

He leaned over her, holding his breath. Her silken black hair flowed over the soft furs, tempting him to bury his fingers into it as he kissed her. Kami, did he want to kiss her. In her sleep, she licked her lips and turned towards him, sending her intoxicating scent of ginger and oranges to his nose. And it certainly didn't help that her kimono was sliding down her shoulder and revealing some of what promised to be a perfect chest.

With a tremendous effort, he gently pulled the kimono back up to a decent place and turned away. As he reached for his own haori he realized that he was shaking. He sighed.

This was getting ridiculous. She was angry with him and rightly so. Any kindness she had shown him since their fight was only the result of Kagome being Kagome. And even if she wasn't angry with him anymore and by some miracle forgave him for his cruel words, his purpose had not changed. He could not love her. She could not love him. They both had their own responsibilities.

He looked at her sleeping form again. She was very beautiful. She would have no trouble finding another male, and one that would probably do more for her than a taiyoukai could ever do.

He shook his head. No, he would be willing to do anything for her. He would take her as his mate, give her as many hanyou children as she wanted and yes, he would love her. Why should he not admit it? He was a taiyoukai! If he could not admit to himself that he could do something so simple as love a human, he was a coward.

But he didn't love her. He wouldn't have the chance. There was no point in thinking about it.

He sighed again. "Kagome."

Brown eyes fluttered open and she frowned. "What?" she muttered.

"It is time to go," he said, standing up. "Get up."

She moaned and pulled the fur coverlet up to her nose. "It's too early."

He arched an eyebrow. "Get up so that we may get out of this wretched cave. If necessary, I will carry you so that you may sleep. But only after we have announced our departure." He cursed himself silently for the offer as soon as he made it. Hours of her on his back, her breasts pressed against him, her breath on his neck? Gods, he was asking for it.

With a soft sound of resignation, Kagome flipped back the cover and pushed herself up to a sitting position as her long, slim legs moved to the floor. Sesshoumaru swallowed hard and looked away as she repositioned her under-kimono to cover herself better. "When do you think they'll start the funeral?" she asked.

"Soon. I can hear their preparations," he replied. "Join me outside when you are ready."

"Yeah, sure."

He wandered through the inner tunnels of the cavern until he finally stepped out into the morning sunshine. Around him, wolves were exiting the cave and taking the path to the top of the cliff. Already he could hear a few of them howling their grief for their lost leader.

"Good morning, my lord," greeted Tomi, appearing at his elbow.

"Good morning," Sesshoumaru replied shortly, remembering Kagome's warmth towards the wolf the previous night.

"Your father sent my brother and sister-in-law's remains this morning. The small bits he could find anyway," he said with a sigh. "Please give him my sincere thanks."

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now