Chapter 13: Orphan

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Chapter 13: Orphan
A/N: Thanks to everyone on SingleSpark who voted for this story for the 2006 awards! In a rather strange twist, the story got 3rd place for Best AU, although I categorized the story as canon. I'm not complaining. Haha. Really, I appreciate all of the attention that my little story gets. Kisses!

Also, FFN freaked out last time I posted, so if you're thinking that you've skipped a chapter, you might have.

The Once and Future Taiyoukai

Chapter 13: Orphan

"You didn't have to kick so hard," she complained.

"I only did as you asked," he replied.

She pouted, rubbing her shin. "I did not ask to be brutalized." She watched as his head turned a little, his mouth opening in protest. "Nuh-uh! Face forward!"

Sesshoumaru sighed and looked back towards the trees. "Your exact words were, and I quote, 'Sesshoumaru, I taught you to waltz, it's only fair that you teach me to fight some.' Then, I believe you added something about keeping ourselves amused for next few nights until we got back to Midoriko's village."

"Nowhere in that did I ask you to please treat me as an enemy and actually hit me," Kagome groused. She leaned back against the rock, letting the hot water wash over her. "I'm sore all over."

The taiyoukai arched an eyebrow. He actually felt guilty about his misstep, which had turned a demonstration to actual injury, but he had been all too pleased to comply with her request to teach her to fight. Not only had her impromptu dance lessons been embarrassing, but they had involved a lot of touching. He had thanked the gods when she had suggested the change. "You will have one bruise on your leg. The rest is the natural result of training. You will get better."

Kagome smiled at the back of his head. "You mean, you'll teach me more?"

He couldn't keep the smirk off his face. He could remember days he was in the dojo before dawn. He could also remember days when his father had nearly dragged him to training. "Yes," he replied. "You are very good for having so little instruction."

Her cheeks turned a deeper red than what the hot water was causing. "I've watched my friends for so long. I guess I was bound to pick up something."

"I am surprised none of them taught you themselves. It seems folly to have a member of your group who cannot completely defend herself."

She shrugged. "They always protected me." She shot him a wry grin, although he could not see it. "Although I didn't usually let Inuyasha or Miroku accompany me to my bath. Pervert."

He rolled his eyes. "You get in trouble the instant you leave my side. I will not have you abducted or injured for propriety's sake. Remember that we still have not found that creature that stalks us," he said. "Besides, no one else is out here. And I cannot see anything."

"Thank goodness. I think some of your subjects would have a heart attack," she laughed.

He smirked again. "Yes. Indeed they would."

Kagome let her legs float, allowing her sore muscles to relax. "Tell me about your subjects," she murmured, closing her eyes. "Why do they hate humans?"

"To tell you that would take all night," he said.

"Well, you're going to be my guard for awhile yet. My leg still feels like it's on fire."

The Once and Future Taiyoukai By RosieB. (Inuyasha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now