Chapter 3

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"Load it up boys!!" Cried Mr. J as he walked out in his purple alligator coat. Him and Harley were going to the harbor in the early morning to collect the rest of the Lamborghini, and to see what was so shiny the last time they were there. Harley hadn't let her brain stop thinking of all the possibilities of what lurked inside of the forgotten car. "What do you think could be down there puddin!?" "I'm not sure Halrs, now please sit down and quit breathing in my ear.." she sat with a pout. "Oh, don't look so glum sugar plum! We'll see what awaits us soon!" He said with a cackle. As they arrived at the dock they noticed something wrong with the goons. They seemed panicked. "What's going on here!?" Joker roared as he saw one of his men with a large bite in his arm. "I thought there were no sharks in the harbor puddin," "uhh boss, you might want to see the video from the body camera." Joker and Harley walked to the van which had all the footage and looked in awe as they saw what had bit one of their goons.
"Oh Puddin!!! We have a little mermaid!!" "We certainly do Harley. Now how to get my car and her though is the question," "You mean we can have her!?" "Yes, and I want to look at the pools at the house, Johnny!" "Yes boss?" "Take a sample of the harbor water and make sure the pool water matches it! I don't want my little mermaid to die, not yet anyways!" "Oh Puddin we can't kill her!" "Harley she wouldn't let me have what's mine!" "She didn't know it was yours puddin!" "But it's mine!" "Mistah J! She's just a little Baby! She can't be older than 15!" (Remember how well Harley read Katana in suicide squad? That's what she did when she saw the video) "Fine, but I still want my car back!" "Puddin you already have a new one!" "It doesn't matter! It's still mine!" "Okay fine we'll get your car back but I don't want you to hurt my little goldfish!" "Goldfish?" "Yeah! Until we know her name at least!" What Joker didn't know was that Harley had fallen in love with the little goldfish and she wanted to see her little baby again. She planned to sneak out later that night to capture her. She just couldn't wait until the  ext day.

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