Chapter 19

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I have no excuse and no need to give you one so here goes nothing. 

Crystals and minerals are deeply sacred in lore of merfolk. 

J and Harley stood dumbfounded at the necklaces that were bestowed on them from their little mermaid. "Wear these always, and I will never leave you," Leah spoke softly. "What do these do? And what was that?" Harley chirped. "Ancient magic used to blend worlds, supposedly illegal and illogical in our world, but probable for yours" Leah replied. J and Harley took the necklaces and placed them around their necks. "Best if we try these bad bois out in the pool, follow me,". Leah led them to the pool and they both waded in. "Now repeat after me please," "Sea or bay is where I play, ocean or land-side I shall reside,". The chanted words from Harley and Joker caused a ripple effect from their legs in the water. Soon they floated in awe of their legs changing, flesh melting away into pale newborn tails of their own, both silver and gleaming, the opposite of Leah's oceanic green-blue pigment. They floundered for awhile before Leah swam to them and guided both their movements. "Up and down, not side to side, Daddy or you'll give yourself whiplash" she laughed, Harley took the the water like a.. well, like a fish! Graceful she guided J and assisted Leah in helping the clown king. "I wish we'd brought the pool floaties.." J grumbled as he once again slipped underwater, still coughing from the change in breathing. Harley laughed and swam softly next to her goldfish. "So what does all this mean minnow?" "Should we join the pod with ya'?" Harley quite liked the idea of being a mermaid (she could live out those mermaid dreams) "No Harley we can not abandon Gotham like this! Our legacy will be ruined!" "J there are more important things in this world than  Gotham," "Harley we took and oath to each other!" Harley pondered this and nodded in agreement, she loved her life and J and she would hate to give it all up. But she felt the nag and pull of leaving her baby as any mother does, the pull growing stronger like the incoming tide. Leah offered a suggestion. "Look, I understand the feeling of being caught in the net," Leah spoke to Harley, "but I feel more love for you and Daddy then any pod in the world, you both have given me so much, and so much to live for". She paused, "I'll stay with you, but I need to find Blue, tell him the truth". Harley and J nodded with her. She splashed Harley with her tail and showed them both how to hug with it. J felt stronger with it by the end of the night. Then something hit him like a bag of bricks. "IS THIS REVERSIBLE!?". Leah laughed until she snorted, "Of course it is! Repeat the earlier phrase "sea or bay is where I play, ocean or land-side is where I reside," following after the last word left their lips their legs returned and.. and.. they were naked. Harley slapped her hand over Leah's eyes so fast and called for Frost. Johnny Frost had seen many things in his life. He seen J and Harley commit almost every crime. Pedophilia was never on that list and didn't think it would be added with all of the love they'd shown to Leah. He didn't ask questions when he saw the circumstances. He just got swimsuits as he was told and did not look at Harley even when she addressed him. He'd seen the little mermaid countless times with Leah, he knew the drill, he just wanted answers. Leah was happy to provide them, and offer him his own set of crystals. Johnny said he'd save them for a rainy day. Leah laughed and gave Frost a hug, she honestly loved having Frost as a loyal friend, and he enjoyed her lively and positive spirit. Harley and J acme back after changing into some clothes. Frost was delighted (on the inside) to hear Leah planned to stay, he's grown accustomed to having her as a confidential friend who he could trust with the deeds of Harley and J. Leah would always assure him that no matter what he did, she could never look down on him. Merfolk  had their laws too, but still things happened, pods fought against pods, and crimes were committed, she was no stranger to this. Human were different, but also similar to the merfolk. Leah decided to tell Blue tomorrow morning her decision, and would spend the rest of her vacation enjoying Rio with her family. 

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