Chapter 11

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J was awoken from his sleep with a knock on his door the next morning. He grumbled as he got up and saw his number 1 man Johnny. "This better be good Johnny boy." "We found the lady boss," Johnny said. J's eyes lit up with delight at this news and asked if they had brought her to the house. "Yes, we have her in the basement," "Johnny boy! You never fail me!" J pushed past him striding to the basement quite pleased with the thoughts in his head. He entered the basement to find the woman gagged and bound to a table. She looked around frightened but paled when she saw the green haired maniac in front of her. She tried to wiggle herself free, but it was no use. Her fate was sealed. "Well, what do we have here?" J said in a taunting voice. He removed the gag and the woman whimpered. "Oh, so now you don't have anything to say? You sure had a lot to say to my daughter yesterday!" "I... I-I didn't know that was your daughter!" "But that doesn't change the fact that you made her cry!" He said, venom dripping from his voice.
*about to get murder going on!! Please skip until you see the fish if you're uncomfortable*
J picked up a knife and begin to slice through the woman's skin. She cried and begged but that didn't stop J, if anything it fueled his fire! J finally picked up his golden shot gun and put a bullet through the woman's head, silencing her rude comments once and for all.
As J finished cleaning himself off he nearly dropped his knife as he heard one of the loudest shrieks of all time. He raced down the hall when he nearly bumped into Harley and Frost. They looked at each other for a moment before racing down to Leah's room, where the scream had come from.
They flung open the door to find Leah half naked so Harley quickly pushed Johnny and J out of the room before slamming the door shut. Harley rushed over to Leah who was crying and trying to cover herself while blubbering about how she 'knew it would happen'. Harley was confused. "Goldfish slow down! How did this happen? What do you mean you knew this would happen?" "This is what my parents told me would happen if I spent too much time out of the ocean!" "Can your tail come back?" "I think so!" "Then we have to get you to the harbor!" "Wait! It doesn't have to be right away! I was just scared about it, I've never changed before and I don't know how to walk or anything!" "Oh goldfish it'll be alright we can help you!" Harley stood up and walked over to the dresser and pulled out some panties and pj pants. "I had a feeling something like this would happen!" She said as she skipped over to Leah and helped her get dressed. J banged on the door to ask if everything was alright and Harley called the boys in the room. They almost trampled each other to get inside the room and stopped in their tracks to see Leah with her legs hanging over the side of the bed. Some of her scales still remained on her legs and shimmered in the sun. The boys stood in awe as they examined the new legs Leah had sprouted and she lifted one up and wiggled the toes like she'd seen Ariel do on the movie. She giggled as J picked up one of her feet and tickled it and almost kicked Johnny when he did the same.  "Do you want to try to stand goldfish?" "Yes please!" Leah shouted as Harley helped her stand and she wobbled and almost fell down. J and Johnny put their hands on her waist as they guided her while Harley called out "left foot, right foot" she guided her around the upper level of the house for awhile before leading her to the stairs. "Ok goldfish! I think you're ready for the stairs!" J and Johnny lead her down the stairs before letting her go in the kitchen. She was wobbly at first but soon got the hang of walking while practicing around the kitchen island. "I can do it! Look I can walk!!" "Yes you can goldfish! We're so proud of you!!" J asked Leah what she's like for breakfast and she replied "pancakes!" "Do you want berries in them? We have all kinds." Johnny asked her. "That sounds good! Yes please!" She replied. "Ok what kind of berries do you want?" "Seaberries!" They stopped to look at her. "What kind of berries?" "Seaberries! You said you had all kinds!?"
(Look like blueberries but light purple. Taste like mango. Not actually real but they are in this story. Is the mermaids main source of food. Is the size of a ping pong ball. Grown underwater.)

"I've never heard of a seaberry before

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"I've never heard of a seaberry before.." Johnny said. "That's because they grow underwater! But I thought you'd have some." "Let's go get some! We can make it an adventure!" Said Harley. "That's the problem. I haven't seen any seaberries in the harbor! I thought the humans took them when they put their nets in the water. I guess they just don't grow in such cold water.." Leah looked  down in disappointment as Johnny set pancakes with strawberries in them down in front of her. Leah pushed her food around as a memory she wished she could forget kept implanting itself in her mind.

What is this memory? Is Leah going to be ok? Continue with this book to find out more!!

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