Chapter 17

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The clown family was woken up by the sun rise in the bay of Rio de Janeiro. They took a long stroll around the boat before leaving and collecting their things watching Leah splash happily in the water beside them. "So when can we go find the minerals?" She asked excitedly. "Just let us check into our beach house and get situated then we can take the boat out and go find them." J answered. Leah squealed with excitement and leapt from the bay into the infinity pool in their beach house by the bay.

Once the clown family was situated Johnny started up the boat while J and Harley got ready to swim

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Once the clown family was situated Johnny started up the boat while J and Harley got ready to swim. The minerals were underwater and they wanted to see them. They all sat on the boat and Leah leapt out of the pool back into the bay, ready to start their adventure! Leah lead the way to the cave where the minerals were and surprisingly enough it was only half an hour away. Harley and J got their oxygen tanks ready to dive in, but Harley grabbed something that made Leah look at in confusion and curiosity. "Mama? What is that?" She asked pointing to the device. "This is called an underwater camera. It can take pictures of things underwater." She said as she hopped in the ocean. J followed suit and the three of them plunged under. Harley tapped the both of them and shook the camera. J rolled his eyes but swam over. Leah was in between them and Harley took a picture. They all smiled and they turned the camera around to show Leah the picture they took. She was amazed and couldn't wait to take more pictures. She lead them down farther to  the minerals where Leah could grab some for herself. As soon as she touched the minerals she felt rejuvenated and swiped plenty for herself. She swam over to another type of mineral that was made for humans and was banned for mermaids but picked some up anyways for J and Harley. She knew they would want it once they saw what it could do. She grabbed some more of the minerals just to be safe before swimming back to her parents who were taking pictures. Leah felt a presence behind her and turned back to meet someone who she never thought she'd see again. It was her pod leader, Blue! He was her only companion in the time she spent with the pod. "Leah! What are you doing here!? Where have you been?? We've been worried sick about you!" Blue said enveloping her in a tight mer hug. "I'm here for my supply of minerals. And I'm- wait.. did you say worried sick? Have you been looking for me this whole time?" She said face plastered with shock. "Yes, once we'd gone back home we'd asked your parents what happened to you, they told us that they pushed you out because you weren't normal. We asked them what they meant and when they told us you wanted to explore above the ocean and how they thought it was strange, we banished them from the pod for leaving you. We've been looking for you ever since." Leah, although being underwater, felt her eyes well with what she knew were tears at the thought of her pod wanting her back. Her pod, her family, her family! Leah looked back at Harley and J who looked at them in confusion. Leah pointed up and they all swam above the surface to introduce Leah's parents to her 'big brother' figure. "Mama, Daddy, this is Blue. He took care of me when my parents didn't." The silence was intense before Blue spoke up. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I'm glad Leah's been in good care since she's been gone." J and Harley ignored the statement in favor of their own. "And who are you? Why did you take care of Leah?" "I'm leader of the pod, it was my job and I grew quite fond of having her around. She was like my little sister." J became less tense at the words little sister and Harley relaxed as well. It was calm until Blue realized that they were in the presence of humans, something that rarely happened with pods. "Oh wow hi! You're humans! I've never met a human before!" Harley laughed at his enthusiasm and pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks for taking care of our goldfish, but we have to be off! We don't want to miss the party back at the beach house! They're going to have fireworks and piña coladas!" "Then Leah will be back, right?" Blue said. "Be back?" Leah spoke, "Yeah, you were going to come back to the pod, right? We've all missed you so much and we want to give you what your parents didn't." "Oh, I um.." "Leah we're your pod now remember?" J said pulling Leah into his chest. "No, humans can't have pods." Blue said pulling Leah back to him. They all looked at Leah to see what she said. She looked at Blue, "Are you going to be around here for a while?" "Yeah, we'll be leaving for home in a week." "I'll think it over?" She said. This was more than she bargained for when she came Rio. Blue told her she could have the week to think it over and then she could decide which world to be part of. All Leah knew is that this was going to be a long vacation.

Dun dun dahhhh!!! Which world do you think Leah should be a part of?? Should she go back to her pod or stay with her new one??

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