Author note Yo'

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Y'all im going to admit that I love all y'all little shits that read this piece of trash. I started this when I was in 10th grade and didn't update until now, I've just recently graduated high school and im honestly ready to give y'all a fin-tastic (im so original) ending now that i can fkn write like someone educated! Thank you all for the success and getting it to #99 in the mermaid ranking!! It's actually the 4th thing that pops up on the search bar when you search the title. I love all of y'all and I'm honestly shocked so thanks y'all, so much! I also remember all the people who were there in the beginning of this trash story ( u know who you are you special peeps)~ much love, Mrs. J -YEET SKEET 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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