CH 33 - All I want

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Note 1: Everything between double quotes it's dialogue " " 

Note 2: This chapter will start immediately after the last part of last chapter

Chapter 33 – All I want

(In the remains of the warehouse)

*** Music background: Running up that hill by Placebo***

Cece waked up and she found herself on the remains of the warehouse that she blew up and where Alison's parents died. She stood up and she saw that Alison was in front of her, there were at least at 3m of distance between each other.

Cece smirked. – "So this is where all ends... fitting..."

Alison. – "I don't think that we've come to the end just yet Cece..."

Cece smirked. – "Well I'm certainly that authorities would disagree once they arrive... they're looking for me, you know?!"

Alison said as she pointing out a gun towards Cece. – "I know.... let them come... you're the murderer here ..."

Cece mocked. – "Come on Alison, we both know that you don't have it in you..."

Alison smirked. – "For once, you're right about something Cece... contrary to you, I've never killed anyone... I believe that the people who hurt my family and me deserve to live in agony... Mona, Melissa and Jenna will not pay with their lives but you..." (Her tone became angrier) "You... you're the one exception... for you... death is my only true justice!"

Cece smirked and approached until her chest was touching the gun.

Cece smirked. – "So do it, put the trigger! I've been dead a long time ago Ali... this... this is just a formality... are you ready now to embrace your darkness? To become the monster you were born to become?!" (Mocking smiles)

Alison. – "More than you know..." (She unlocked the gun and charged the gun as she was ready to shoot) "Good-bye Cece!"

Before Alison could shoot, someone else shoot Cece in the head, Cece fell dead on the floor and Alison turned her head and she was surprised to know who was there...

Alison. – "What the hell are you doing! She was mine!"

Noel smirked. – "I'm saving your soul... you have no idea what crossing that line means... no matter how justified... it's over now... that's what really matters..."

Alison confused. – "Why are you here?!"

Noel smirked. – "That bitch forced me to do horrible things... you're not the only one who wanted her dead and..."

Alison. – "And...?!"

Noel. – "And I don't know why but hurting you is the most painful thing that I've ever done..." (A little laugh) "I think that I've feelings for you..."

Alison gulped

Noel smirked. – "Don't worry... you don't need to say anything... I know where your heart is..."

Alison. – "Thank you..."

(Sounds of sirens)

Alison. – "The cops are coming... you should leave... don't worry I will not say that you shoot her..."

Noel. – "What about you?"

Alison. – "I'm staying... they will not found a match with my gun so don't worry, I will be fine..."

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