CH 74 - Who are You?

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Hi guys! Wow thank you so much for asking me to update, it's a great booster to update! It makes me so happy knowing you like this story as much as me ^^. So, this chapter is very emotional, I can say that it got me watery-eyes when I wrote one part of it. AD will be revealed, are you ready for it?

I hope you like this and, like always thank you if you have the time to leave a comment! Have a great week-end!

Chapter 74 – Who are You?

*** AD's narrative - Music background: Who are you by SVRCINA ***

Do you feel safe, out in the night, in this town, where monsters hide? Do you feel safe knowing I'm there... in the shadows... always watching... always manipulating? Do any of you are safe? No, you're not...

You think you know me, but you don't. You don't know your true self... one minute you're you and then, you're not... you can't escape from it... you can't run... you can't deny what is in your DNA... in your blood and in my case, it's pure darkness...

So, who I'm? Well... that's a secret I'll never tell... but just know that from now on, there's no need to hide, no need to keep the masks... from now, we won't just face our worst fears, we will seek them out. We will find them and cut out their hearts one by one. We will play this game to the end and, just the best will prevail...

A constant noise wakes her up, she's not sure where she's, the last thing she remembers it's struggling with AD and then feeling a needle in her arm before everything went black. Blair slowly opens her eyes and turns her gaze to the source of the noise: Melissa... Melissa has a devious smile in her face as she taps her fingers against the transparent wall.

Melissa smirks. – "Hey you, sleeping beauty... nice to see you awake..."

Blair feels a horrible headache, she tries to move but trips, she's still very dizzy...

Melissa mocks. – "Oh, honey, you should see you..."

Blair looks around, her vision's still very blurry but she notices she's trapped between 4 walls that looked like glass. With all her strength, she stands up and she rushes against the walls, throwing her fists against the walls, she punches them, but nothing breaks besides her fists...

Blair sighs. – "Aaagrhh...."

Melissa smirks. – "It's not glass if you're wondering... you can't break these walls... you can't escape..."

Blair tries to stay up; her head is still spinning from all the drugs AD put in her system. The young doctor is fighting to stay awake, but he doped her with so much sedatives that it's very difficult to keep the eyes open. But then, there's it, a reason to fight... Spencer... the memory of Spencer brings in Blair all the force she needs and Blair sighs hard as she keeps punching the walls that keep her captive...

Melissa. - " Stop it... I'm telling you, you can't break them... it's not glass, it will not break so easy..."

Blair's fists are red with blood, she knows Melissa is right, that she can't escape so easy from that transparent box, but she needs to fight her way out of there, she needs to find her way back to Spencer, she needs to protect the girl she loves, even if it looks impossible...

Melissa smirks. - "You are really stubborn... just like Spencer..."

Blair. - "You've no right to talk about Spencer..."

Keeping an eye on you #EMISONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon