Chapter 8

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Kookaburra's P.O.V

Days were turning into weeks and weeks were turning into months, Christmas came and went by in a flash.

It was early February and the snow was still very thick on the ground, we'd all been out from early on shovelling the snow away, especially because me and Hannah were going to be working on her training again today, she's been getting better and better through every lesson, I'm sure she'll be able to take the exam any day now.

"You ready to get training babe?" I asked after lunch.

"Sure, let's go."

Hannah was bounding along with excitement, we put on our thickest coats before going outside, I was just starting to get used to this kind of cold, growing up in the outback meant I didn't experience this much.

We got the weapons and the shields out from the shelter to protect them from the snow and rain.

"You know what babe, I think that you're nearly ready for your exam." I said as I got prepared.


"Yeah, except the exam's not until around June or July. So what do you say we go through all the tests?"


"Right, there's five tests throughout the whole exam: aim, strength, agility, hearing and strategy."


"But first you'll have to choose your weapon."


We went over to the weapons and there was a whole range of options, but for some reason Hannah went straight for the bo staff.

"Why the bo staff?" I asked.

"You'll see."

Okay, this'll be interesting.

We went into the middle of the arena to start practicing, this was where all the exams take place, so it would be best for Hannah to get used to the space before doing the actual exam.

"Okay, before we start we need to get your war face sorted."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you know the way that Skabb's always shouting and yelling when we're fighting?"


"Well that's his war face, it's something to scare the opponent."

"Oh, I get it."

"So try your best to scare me."


Hannah remained still for a second as she thought, the staff just down at her side, a small smile formed on her face and her eyes widened as she got an idea.

"Okay, I've got it."

I got into my fighting position, Hannah just looked at me, still holding onto her staff now with both hands, I was quite taken aback by what she did next, spinning and twirling the staff in her hands and around her body, she finally caught it in both hands and snarled at me like a leopard, wow.

"Whoa, you've got skills, where did you learn that?"

"I may have looked at a few online videos and practiced in my own time. So what do you think?"

"That was pretty intimidating; I wouldn't want to even approach you after that, let along fight you."

"Thank you."

We decided to work on Hannah's hearing ability first, preparing for this test required for Hannah to be blindfolded which I thought was a bit weird when I did it in my training.

After I'd put the blindfold on Hannah I moved her into the centre of the arena.

"Okay, here's what's going to happen, I'm going to go away and I'm going to try and sneak up on you, your aim is to catch me before I get to you. Got it?"

"Got it."

Hannah was holding her bo staff tightly in her hands, I quickly walked away and just waited for a few seconds.

"How do I know that you're even still here?" Hannah asked.

I didn't reply, I just slowly started to take a few steps towards her, there were leaves and branches scattered around the arena floor to give the illusion of walking on the forest floor, the leaves the gently rustling and the occasional twig accidently snapping under my feet, whenever Hannah turned in my direction I started to move around her. I was about fifteen feet away from her now, she was still as a rock and had her back to me, I slowly moved forwards until I was now nine or eight feet away from her. I took another step, another twig quietly snapped under my foot, Hannah quickly spun round, whacking me on the arm with the staff.

"Ow!" I cried.

"Did I get you?"

"Yeah, you certainly did, that got me right on the arm, I'm gonna get a bruise now."

"Sorry. But did I pass?"

"Yeah, if you do that well in the exam, but you'll probably be up against Shaiden for that."

We continued to practice with every single test throughout the morning, and Hannah was doing pretty well, she definitely had no trouble with her hearing, but her aim was still a bit off, in a life or death situation a first time hit is crucial.

It all seemed to be going well Hannah was really starting to get the hang of this now, but it was getting a bit late, I was due back on duty any time soon.

"I think we'll have to stop for now, I'm due back on duty." I explained.

"Oh...well, can I stay here and practise on my own for a bit?"

"Yeah I don't see why not."


I left Hannah to continue with her practising while I went to lookout duty with Ballista, she was already waiting for me at the top of the lookout tower.

"How's the training going?" She asked.

"Good. I think Hannah will be ready for the exam any day now."

"Oh great. I'm guessing that you've spoken to her about what's going to happen after."

"Why? What's going to happen after."

"After Hannah becomes a defender you do know what it means don't you?...what's going to happen to your relationship?"

"N-no, why?"

"Look, when Hannah becomes a defender you guys aren't going to be allowed to date anymore, remember the rules?"

"So I have to choose between letting Hannah go or shattering her dreams."

"Maybe. There are only very few exceptions."

"What are those?"

"Well blood relations are exceptional, like Shaiden and Thorne, or if you're married before applying for the job, but with new relationships people are normally so focused on each other they can be easily distracted and we can't afford that in this job."

If I'd known that this would happen then I might not have rushed Hannah into this so soon, she'll be taking the exam as soon as she's nineteen and her birthday is only a few months away, whatever I'm going to do I'll have to think of something fast.

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