Chapter 10

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Hannah's P.O.V

That Saturday I got my stall all set up for the day, already people were starting to get interested and I was only thirty minutes in, even Faetal and Shaiden came down to have a look at some point.
When it was starting to near midday, Kook came down to see how things were going.
"Hey babe, how's business?" He asked.
"It's going good, I've nearly sold out of purses and scarves."
"Great, I've brought you some lunch by the way."
"Aw you didn't have to."
"I wanted to."
"Is it..."
"Cheese and pickle, your favourite."
I smiled as Kook handed over the small brown paper bag.
"Oh by the way I need to tell you something."
"What, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine I just wanted to tell you that I've managed to secure a couple of extra shifts."
"Kook I already told you not to."
"I know but I wanted to, plus now it means we can move ahead with the wedding."
I almost leapt into Kooks arms, throwing my arms over his shoulders.
"Oh, you haven't forgotten about my first performance tonight have you?"
"Like I would forget something like that. Is it just you?"
"No, there's a couple of other performers too."
In total I made about two hundred on my market stall and that's just my first day, I couldn't wait until tomorrow.
I went back to my room to get ready for my performance, Kook was still working his shift, I looked up at the lookout tower to give him a little wave, but I couldn't see him.
Gildar, Ballista, Madeva, Thorne and Shaiden were already at the club waiting for me to arrive.
"Is Kook not here yet?" I asked.
"No we thought he'd come with you."
"Well he better hurry up, he's going to miss my performance."
Five minutes later, the host came on stage.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I hope you're all ready for our little show, we've got some fantastic performances for you tonight, up first please give him a very warm welcome, all the way from Australia, please welcome James Elmer."
Everyone burst into a round of applause.
"Aw what a shame Kook's not here yet, I bet he'd love to see this guy."
James walked onto the stage, he was very good looking guy, he had short brown hair covered with a red baseball cap, a red and white hoodie jacket, blue denim jeans and white Nike trainers, the sound of hip hop music started blurring through the speakers. He was quite a good dancer was James almost as good as Kook. (See video)
I was really starting to enjoy this, but there was just something that I couldn't put my finger on, there was something about this guy that made me think that I'd seen him before and that I'd heard this song before.
"What's up Hannah, aren't you enjoying this?" Ballista asked.
"No it's just that I feel like I've heard this guy before."
Throughout the whole performance I couldn't take my eyes off James, there was just something about him that almost didn't seem right to me.
I was starting to get the feeling that Kook wasn't coming, the third performance was halfway through and I was on next, I was about to go outside to look for him when Kook finally came running through the door.
"Sorry, I couldn't get away, have I missed anything?" He said panting heavily.
"Just the first two performances." Said Gildar.
"But I haven't missed you have I Hannah?"
"No, but I'm on stage next."
"Phew, for a second I thought I'd missed it."
"But you did miss James Elmer."
"James Elmer, he was the first performer, apparently he's from Australia."
"Aw, you're joking, I would have loved to have seen him."
"I knew you'd be gutted."
The host walked out on stage again.
"Okay ladies and gentlemen, we're nearly halfway through the show, and now I'd like you all to welcome onto the stage, Hannah Limeburn."
"Oh, that's me, wish me luck."
"You don't need luck sweetheart, you've got the talent."
I could feel myself blushing as I walked out on stage, everyone cheered, no one louder than Kook.
"Hey everyone, you ready for this?" I asked, everyone cheered. "I want to see everyone on their feet and dancing!"
I could hear Kook cheering as the music started, I'd decided to sing to Shakira 'Try Everything'.
"I messed up tonight, I lost another fight, I still mess up but I'll just start again, I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground, I always get up and see what's next. Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up, nobody learns without getting it wrong."
Everyone was dancing and jumping around in time to the song, but at the back of the room I could clearly see Kook dancing around like crazy.
After the show, we went back into the castle and me and Kook just went straight to bed.
As soon as I got into the bedroom I kicked my shoes off and collapsed onto the bed.
"Phew, what a day." I sighed as Kook laid next to me.
"You can say that again."
"There's just one thing that's really starting to bug me you know."
"What is it? Has something happened?"
"No it's about tonight. When I saw James come out to perform I just couldn't help but get the feeling that I've seen him before."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well, it's mainly his voice, his voice sounds really familiar."
"Have you not seen him on stage before?"
"No." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. "I'm going to see if YouTube recognises the name, see if that song he was singing turns up."
I typed the name into the search and to my surprise quite a few videos came up, the first of which was titled 'Rainman'.
"That's him. I knew that I'd seen his face somewhere before."
I clicked on the video and showed Kook.
"He's the guy who performed tonight?" He asked.
"Yeah, why? Do you know him?"
"No, not at all."
Now I knew who James Elmer really was I could finally relax, I quickly got changed into my pyjamas, and got into bed, I must have fallen asleep almost instantly because the next thing I saw was the sunlight bursting through the curtains.

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