Chapter 11

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Kook's P.O.V

Everything was finally back to normal, I'd moved back into the apartment and the wedding was back on track.

I woke up early the next morning before Hannah, I wanted to make things up to her, so I made her favourite breakfast, pancakes with Greek yoghurt, Nutella and banana and berries.

"Morning honey." Said Hannah as she walked out of the bedroom.

"Morning babe. Did you sleep okay?"

"The best I have in a long time. Mmm, that smells good."

"Well, I wanted to make things up to you so I thought I'd make you your favourite breakfast."

"Aww, you're the sweetest."

After breakfast we went down to the lounge to meet up with the others, we hardly made it around the corner when Thorne came bounding over to us.

"Guys, great news! I've done it." he said.

"Done what?"

"The potion I was making for you guys, it's done."

"Fantastic, where is it?"

"It's in my lab, come on!"

We followed Thorne down to his lab and the room was a complete mess. There were bottles strewn out all over the table and books scattered over the floor, but right in the middle of the table, I noticed something, a small phial of pink liquid.

"Is that it?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, that's it, it just needs one more thing before you can drink it."


"It erm...needs a drop of your blood Hannah."

"Excuse me?"

"I know it sounds odd, but in order for the potion to work, it requires a drop of the drinkers' blood and a drop of blood from the animal in which they'd be transforming into."

I froze. "Wait, Thorne is there birds blood in that phial?"

"Yes, but don't worry no birds were killed or harmed, I knew you'd hate me if I let that happen."

"Well if it requires my blood then let's get it over with."


Thorne passed Hannah a needle and held the phial out under her hand, I looked away as Hannah sunk the needle into the flesh of her thumb, I never did really like the sight of blood. I looked back to see a small drop of blood drip from the tip of Hannah's thumb into the phial, immediately the liquid started to bubble, Thorne quickly put the phial down and stood a few steps back as something that looked like either steam or smoke started to rise from the phial, it all gathered above our heads slowly changing into the shape of a bird in mid-flight, the smoke cleared and the liquid stilled, it had now changed from a light pink to clear which I found interesting.

"You have to drink it now, you can't wait." said Thorne, handing the phial back to Hannah.


I held Hannah's hand as she slowly brought the phial up to her lips, she quickly tilted her head back downing the potion in one gulp.

"Ugh! That's disgusting!"

"Good, that means it's working."

"But I don't feel any different."

"It'll take a couple of days."

"Okay...well thanks Thorne, you're a real mate." I said patting Thorne on the shoulder. "I owe you one."

"No problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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