Chapter 1

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Hannah's P.O.V.

            It was a beautiful morning and a beautiful way to start a morning in the kingdom of Splazzer City, my home kingdom, what would be a better way to spend your morning? Well to spend it in the kingdom of Splatalot for a start, I’ve always wished that I could live alongside the defenders of Splatalot, and alongside Kookaburra, he’s such a good looking guy, he’s not the only one, Gildar is also a very good looking man, but he’s really not my type, he’s always looking at himself in the mirror and is just too obsessed with himself, but Kook he’s different, sure he cares about how he looks, but he doesn’t let them take over his life, that it the kind of guy for me.

            I was stood at my bedroom window looking through my binoculars to the kingdom of Splatalot, our kingdoms are so far apart that I have to use binoculars to look at them, these were the strongest binoculars ever, I could see for miles, I moved my binoculars to the left slightly to try and find Kook and it wasn’t long before I found him, he was stood talking to Thorne, I wasn’t trained in lip reading so I couldn’t make out what they were saying, I wasn’t bothered about Thorne, I was just focussing on Kook, his feathers blowing about in the wind and the sun shining off his beautiful green hair, how I so wish that I could run my hand through that hair, I can’t tell my mum and dad about my crush on Kook, they’d go ballistic, so would everyone else around the kingdom as our kingdom Splazzer City and their kingdom Splatalot have been enemies for years and by the way things are it looks like they’re going to stay like that for a long time, I’ll have to tell mum and dad some day, I can’t hide it forever.

            After 1 hour of me looking  through my binoculars something happened that nearly made my heart skip a beat, Kook looked at me, well…maybe mot directly at me but he was looking in the direction that I was at, I put my binoculars down and went downstairs to where my friends Kerensa, Beth, Jennifer and Faye were.

            “Hey guys.” I said walking into the room.

            “Morning Hannah, what’ve you been up to this morning, we were expecting you here half and hour ago.” said Kerensa.

            “Oh, I was just admiring the view from my bedroom window that’s all.”

            “But your room looks out onto the kingdom of Splatalot, in my opinion I’d hate that kind of view.”

            Even my friends hate the kingdom of Splatalot, it’s just me who doesn’t, it hasn’t always been like this, I did hate them at one time, but that was before I accidently bumped into Kook in the woods one day when I was out with my friends, I didn’t know that he was from Splatalot first of all, I found that out later when he said that he had to get back to Splatalot, he was such a friendly guy, he was always coming out with all these jokes or just funny things to say, I guess that’s why he’s nicknamed ‘the joker’.

            If I told people about my little crush on Kook what would happen to me or what will happen to them in Splatalot, the people here may start a war against them, at the very least they’ll probably throw me out of the kingdom, I guess that I could be alright on my own but where could I go, maybe I’d finally be able to go to Splatalot, they’ll probably take pity on a young girl like me. Maybe my friends will understand if I tell them about my crush on Kook.

            “Guys, can I just confess something to you?” I said.


            “You know the kingdom of Splatalot?”


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