Chapter 3

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Hannah's P.O.V

I'd sent my parents a letter for them to read out at my gran's funeral, I didn't get a reply, which worried me a bit. But that's not all that was on my mind, I was constantly thinking about Kookaburra day and night, I felt like I had to tell him how I felt about him, but it felt a bit too early to say anything, besides, what if he doesn't feel the same way?

Two weeks after my gran's funeral Kook and Ballista came with me to see her grave.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Ballista asked, putting her hand in my shoulder.

"I'm sure."

The graveyard was separate to the kingdom and was on the outside of the castle walls. There were many gravestones, how were we going to find my gran amongst all of these? We went in three different directions, Kook went right and Ballista went left while I went straight ahead. We'd only been looking no more than a minute when I found her, "Dorothy Margaret Limeburn, died 16th August 2014, wife of Ronald Limeburn, mother of David, Andrew and Ruth Limeburn, grandmother of Hannah Limeburn".

"Hey guys, I've found her." I shouted.

Ballista heard me and walked over, but Kook didn't.

"Hey Kook, I..." I started, but when I saw Kook, he was stood by another grave.

Me and Ballista went over to see what was wrong, Kook looked rather upset, when I saw the headstone I understood: "Here lies Blue Jay and Kooklana 3rd, died 1924-1930, parents of Blue Jay Jr, Kooklana 4th and Kookaburra 4th, grandparents of Blue Jay 3rd and Kookaburra 5th.".

"Are they...?" I asked.

"My great grandparents." Kook replied. "My father told me about them when I was younger, but I've never seen their grave before."

I held Kook's hand and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Kook." I whispered.

Kook sniffed loudly. "It's okay."

I left some flowers on my grandmother's grave and gave Kook a small bunch to put by his great grandparents grave.

I spent most of the rest of the day outside some of the defenders were practicing their fighting skills and working on their aim. After I'd been sat on the castle steps for around ten minutes pondering about what I was going to say to Kook when the time was right, I heard footsteps behind me followed by a voice.

"What's the matter child?" They asked, I turned around and saw Madeva looming over me.

"Oh hi Madeva, nothing's wrong." I replied.

"Are you sure?" She said, sitting next to me. "You look as if there's something on your mind."

"No I was just thinking about stuff."

"Well if there's anything wrong, you can tell us."

"Actually there is something that I'd like to run past you, it's something that I've been thinking about for a couple of years."

"What's that?"

"Well...for the past two years I've been thinking about the hatred that's been going on between Splatalot and Splazzer City, and I always wondered if our two kingdoms could ever be friends, because I never understood how they became enemies in the first place."

"It all started years ago when our current king was around twelve years old, our kingdoms got into a huge battle that resulted in the old king's death. Our king then swore that when he was king, he would never forgive Splazzer City for what they did to his father."

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