Chapter 6

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Kookaburra's P.O.V

Everyone was exhausted after the ball last night, including me, that doesn't happen very often, at least tomorrow half of us will get the day off.

It was my day off the next day, along with Gildar, Madeva, Skabb, Thorne and Ballista. I wanted to spend the day with Hannah, but I couldn't find her around the castle anywhere. Skabb, Thorne and Madeva were in the lounge, maye they've seen her somewhere.

"Hey, have you guys seen Hannah?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's in the courtyard." Madeva replied.

"Okay, thanks."

I left through the main doors and immediately saw Hannah, sat on the courtyard steps, she had on her lap something that looked like knitting, or crochet.

"Hey sweetheart." I said as I sat next to her. "What are you making?"

"Just a crochet scarf. There's not much for me to do around here and I can't just sit in my room all day, I did enough of that at Splazzer City."

"There's nothing wrong with time to yourself."

"Except my room's a bit creepy, it's freezing at night and I'm hearing voices."


"Yeah, I sometimes I think that there's someone whispering to me."

It couldn't be...could it? I thought that we'd sorted that problem. I have to tell her about it, but maybe not right now, I don't want to freak her out.

"Are you okay Kook? You've gone all quiet."

"Err...yeah. I'm fine. So what do you want to today? We could go for a walk."

"Yeah, a walk sounds good. Let me just put this back in my room."

Hannah jumped up from the step and disappeared inside, she came back five minutes later.

"Okay I'm ready."

Hand in hand me and Hannah walked out of the castle gates and into the forest, I didn't say much the first few minutes of the walk, I couldn't believe that he's back, I'm sure we got rid of him for good.

"Are you okay Kook?" Hannah asked. "You've not said a word since we came out here."

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking about what you told me about your room, it's got me wondering."


"It doesn't matter, it's probably nothing."

Hannah stopped and just looked at me.

"Kook, are you keeping something from me?"

"No, if I've got something to say, you know that I'll always tell you."

"Okay, but first it was the special dance last night, and I've just got that feeling."

"Sweetheart don't worry about it." I held her hand gently. "Now come on, I've got a great idea of where we can go."

I picked Hannah up onto my shoulders and carried her to an open clearing. No one else knew about this place and it's where I usually go for some alone time, I put Hannah back down and held her hand again.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"It's beautiful." Hannah replied. "I didn't even know that this was here."

"No one else knows about out this place, I discovered it by accident one time I was out here and I mainly come here when I want to be alone...and now, it's great that I can share it with someone."

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