Chapter 2

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Kookaburra's P.O.V.

It was a very calm morning so me, Ballista, Skabb, Gildar, Thorne, Faetal and Vane had gone out for a bit of hunting, the stocks in the kitchens were going down rather quickly. We'll I wasn't really joining in with the hunting, I was like the eyes and ears, and I was sent to collect a few fruits and nuts, hunting's not my thing.

We'd been walking around for a while and we hadn't caught much, we'd pretty much explored the complete outskirts of the woods, I was walking slightly ahead, when I stopped.

"Kook, what's wrong?" Gildar asked.

"I can see something."

"What is it?"

"I don't know, I can't see it. It's black, that's all I can tell."

"It may be a black bear." Faetal suggested.

I stepped to one side until I could see what it was.

"Oh my God." I gasped.

"What? What is it? Is it a black bear?"

"No. It's a girl."


"I think that she's unconscious."

We dashed over, this girl seemed no older than eighteen years old. She was unconscious and her clothes were torn and covered in a number of different stains. Thorne came over to assist me.

"She needs water." He said.

"Here." Vane replied handing over his water.

Thorne took the cap off and poured a small amount into this girls mouth, she swallowed the water down, and remained still for a couple of seconds before she eventually started to move.

"Miss? Hello, miss?"

She opened her eyes and moaned.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Are you okay miss?" I asked her.

"I...I think so."

I noticed her suitcase lying next to her.

"We're you travelling somewhere?"

"Sort of. I was running away."

"Away from what?"

"Everyone I know."

She looked at me and seemed to recognise me.

"Are you Kookaburra by any chance?"

"Yeah, I am, why do you ask? Have we met?"

"Only once, you may not remember me."

"I'm afraid I don't sorry."

She attempted to sit upright, but winced. She was injured.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I don't think so. Are you sure you don't remember me? Around six months ago, in the woods?"

"I met someone that long ago, but I don't remember it being you."

She winced again as she moved her leg.

"May I have a look?" Thorne asked.

She nodded. Thorne slowly and gently rolled up her trouser leg, I gasped when I saw the wound on her leg, it looked really painful, I looked up at Thorne, he was shaking his head.

"How long have you had this cut?" He asked.

"About two days nearly, I fell and cut it on a stone in the woods."

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