Part 1

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I don't own the song not am I the uploaded. Just thought it kind of matches this first part since I listened to it as I made this.

Disclaimer: I do not RWBY, it belongs to it's respective owner Rooster Teeth.

Your whole body was aching as you were buried underneath a small pile of rubble. Although the weight of the pile was bit the reason that you were in pain,  it was what awaited for you as soon as you dug yourself out. Although, you simply leapt out of the rubble and landed on your feet to face her, Pyrrha Nikos,  a beautiful red headed warrior and also the love of you life. Unfortunately for the both of you, this was not a moment of two lovers battling the enemy for peace, it was a fight to the death. At least that's what you made it seem like to convince a certain someone.

You looked at Pyrrha with a blank stare, making sure not to look at the audience of one, who was observing with a sadistic smile. Clutching your dagger in your left hand, a storm was heard nearby as you focused your aura for an attack.

Pyrrha: It doesn't have to be like this, (Y/N)!

Fully understanding her words, you kept the blank stare focused on the red head as a bolt of lightning strck your weapon.

(Y/N): Yeah...  It never was...

You threw the dagger but it was aimed at the one observing your battle, although it was merely deflected back. The charged blade truck you in the right shoulder, making you fall back and paralyzed from the shock.

Cinder: Fine, I'll do it myself.

The new carrier of the powers from the fall maiden stepped on your dagger, plunging it deeper into your flesh making you cry out in pain.

Pyrrha: Leave him be!

She tried to make a move but was blasted away by simple blast of fire from Cinder. While the blak haired woman was distracted, you pulled out the dagger and made an attempt to stab her in the leg but she moved it away and kicked you in the face. Cinder picked up your dagger and inpaled it into your chest, making you gasp for air,  although you slowly grinned as soon as you regained your breath.

(Y/N): I'm not going down that easy!

You grabbed her wrist which made her opened her eyes very wide until she heard the sounds of thunder in the distance.

Cinder: You're mad!

(Y/N): You're one to talk!

She struggled to break free from your grip but it was too late,  she felt a sudden pressure weigh down on her each second. Without warning, another large bolt of lightning struck the both of you,  encasing you two in a bright flash.

Pyrrha: (Y/N)!!!!

Before the Fall

It had been quite of an uncomfortable ride, but you had arrived in Beacon Academy, taking in the magnificent sight of the massive school. Your brown tattered cloak shifting in the wind as you stood there looking at the buildings in awe.

???: Breathtaking isn't it?

Turning your head to the side, your eyes were net with a beautiful red headed teen as she looked upon the school.

(Y/N): Yeah, never seen anything like it.

The red headed girl turned to you with a bright smile, you let out a small smile as well before turning back to the school.

(Y/N): Name's (Y/N). You?

She gave you a surprised look at that you have not noticed because you were still admiring the academy. Normally people would immediately recognize who she is but you did not, which somehow peaked we interest.

???: Pyrrha Nikos, a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): likewise. If you'll excuse me, Pyrrha. I need to go look for somebody, hopefully we'll meet again soon.

Pyrrha: Very well, bye (Y/N)!

Waving goodbye at the beautiful warrior, you walked across the courtyard to find a couple of people that you would call family. You heard a distant explosion but you chose to ignore it since you were set on finding the two that you anticipated would arrive in this school.

???: Come on Ren! Let's see if they're serving pancakes right now!

???: We can't, Nora. We need to meet in the assemble for first years.

Turning to the voices you smiled as you found who you were searching for so you approached them.

(Y/N): Still quite the opposites I see.

Ren stopped in his tracks to find you approaching them, he was unable to recognize you at first since it had been a while but he finally recognized you.

Ren: Is that really you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): In the flesh.

Nora snapped her head in an instant as Ren spoke of your name, of course she immediately rushed over to you and pulled you into a bone crushing hug.


(Y/N): *gasping* Nora... I can't breathe!

She let go when you were struggling for air and giggled nervously, hoping that you haven't been injured in the process.

Nora: Sorry! I'm just excited that I get to see my brother again!!

(Y/N): I'm just as excited too but geez... I think I have a cracked rib...

Ren: Are you attending Beacon as well?

After a few seconds of catching your breath and straightening yourself out, you looked at how much they have changed over the years. The three Of you have grown up together, so at this point, they were pretty much family to you.

(Y/N): Yup!

Realizing the time, you needed to cut the reunion short since you still an assembly to attend.

(Y/N): Oh, we should probably get going! Come on I know where to go and maybe later I'll tell you guys where I've been!

Ren: Sounds like a plan.

Nora: You better have some awesome stories!

You laughed at the cheerful teen's usual attitude, it is almost as if you haven't left them in the first place.

To be continued!

Walk Your Own Path: Pyrrha Nikos x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now