Part 7

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Ren: I've been meaning to ask you something, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What's up?

Ren: Why is it that you fight with one dagger?

Nora: Oh yeah! Why do you fight with one?

You were being looked by the others as well and by others, your team and the rest of Team JNPR. It was rather uncomfortable to have all of this attention at once but it is fair for them to know the fate of your blade.

(Y/N): Lost the other one.

Ranger: That's hard to believe.

(Y/N): It's the truth.

Everybody was stunned by your answer since you never seemed to be the type to casually misplace something important. Especially when it was something that you crafted.

(Y/N): No joke, I lost it in some cave that was infested by deathstalkets!

Ranger: The hell were you doing in a cave in the first place?

(Y/N):  It was the only place to find cover from the rain and it was the only place I had to sleep.

It was true, during your travels to see the world,  you had taken shelter in an unknown cave that was heavily infested with Grimm deep within and it resulted in the loss of one of your most prized daggers. You were lucky enough to even make it out alive since the Grimm noticed your presence as soon as you walked inside.

(Y/N): I'm telling ya,  when I get the chance, I'll head back over there and get my blade back. There was also some kind of legend behind that cave where it held some kind of old ruins of a supposed blade master.

Pyrrha: Interesting, do you think it'd still be there?

(Y/N): *shrug* Who knows? Wouldn't hurt to find out. 

You couldn't help but notice that Nora was throwing food at Team RWBY, who seemed to dodge some of the stuff while Ruby was giving some form of new semester speech.

(Y/N): Anyways it was said to have been the ruins of gil-

You were abrupty interrupted by Team RWBY's retaliation that was in the form of mashed potatoes thrown at your face. Slowly turning your head, you noticed that Weiss was proud of he throw while Ruby and Yang were trying to sit her down so they wouldn't be caught.

(Y/N): Oh it's on!

Picking up Ranger's tray,  you flung the remains of the contents that hit the designated target, Weiss.

Ranger: Hey, pendejo, I was eating that!

???: Food fight!!!

(Y/N): Well I hope you have room for seconds!

5 Minutes Later


Your team was divided when Ranger and Joanna were on Team RWBY's side while you and Snow were in Team JNPR's soda can fort. Of course, your answer was received when Ranger flipped you the bird. Why was he there? Perhaps it's revenge for throwing his meal or it was probably because of him and Blake's affiliation towards each other. Either way, they were going down.

(Y/N): Some leader I am! In the end we were divided like this!!

Jaune: Save the dramatic speech for later!

Snow: Incoming!

Grabbing a banana to act as a dagger, you blocked the incoming watermelon with the fruit and sent it back. Pyrrha threw a few cans of chili at you to become the magic in your arsenal since using your actual spells would be really bad.


Rubg: Bring it!

Small Timeskip

Velvet : What in the world happened to all of you??

You and your team looked at each other, who were still covered in multiple food stains, although you and Snow had the worst of it. Simply because Team RWBY, side had won the battle but you managed to take out a few of them down in a heroic sacrifice.

Joanna: E-ermmm, food fight?

Ranger snickered at the response since he had no way to respond as well.

(Y/N): It was probably the most fun I've ever had my entire life....

Ranger: Ditto.

Velvet was still stunned at the sight in front her but shook it off anyways to do what she was sent for.

Snow: If it makes you feel any better, I was able to defeat Weiss.

(Y/N): I've taught you well. Also we should probably hurry up and get washed up before this stuff dries.

Snow: R-right!

Before the four of you left, Snow hugged her sister goodbye, which resulted in "accidentally" covering her with food stains before running inside the dorm.

Velvet: Snow, why?!

(Y/N): you should be lucky, Rango here is going to smell like chili and tuna for a week.

Ranger: Don't remind me...

(Y/N): Hey, at least you'll have Blake's attention a lot more now.

Ranger: Shut up! I could say the same thing about you and Pyrrha!

(Y/N): Damn, well played.

Meanwhile, Velvet had already walked back to her own dorm to wash up herself since her own sister had tricked her into a hug. Either way, it was nice to see that her sister had begun to open up more around people that she could call friends.

To be continued!

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